Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Sport holiday

Sport holiday

26 January 2018

 Traditional Olympics of the Academic and teaching staff  of  KSMU was already held in 44th  time at our university.

In  order to win prizes  6 teams  participated

-Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry

-Faculty of  Public Health, Biology and Pharmacy

-International Medical Faculty

-Faculty of Residency and Additional Education

-Faculty of Paramedical workers Trainig

- Rector’s office

Games were held from 23rd to 25th of January and  involved 8 types of sport:

table tennis, chess, checkers, toguzkumalak, skiing, shooting and football.

The first prize was won by team of the Faculty of public health, Biology and Pharmacy.International medicalfaculty

The second prize was won by Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry.

The third prize was wan by International medical faculty.



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