Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Health worker’s Day!

The Health worker’s Day!

24 June 2016

The solemn meeting devoted to celebration of Day of the health worker has taken place on June 16, 2016 at Karaganda state medical university.

Raushan Dosmagambetova, the Rector of university, professor has congratulated attendees and has handed awards of the Ministry of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, akimat of the Karaganda region and the city of Karaganda:

The medal «Еңбек ардагері» has awarded theMD, professor, the head of the department of hygiene of food, the general hygiene and ecology Terekhin Sergey and the candidate of medical sciences, the assistant to department of infectious diseases and a dermatovenereology Kabayeva Akten. 

ü  The breastplate «ҚазақстанРеспубликасыденсаулықсақтауісініңүздігі» has awarded the candidate of medical sciences, the associate professor, the dean of faculty of continuous professional development Asenova Lyazzat.

ü  The breastplate «Денсаулықсақтау iciнe қосқанүлесіүшін»  has awarded the head of the department of internal diseases No. 2, the candidate of medical sciences, the associate professor, Laryushina Elena and the candidate of medical sciences, the associate professor of internal diseases No. 3 of Igimbayeva Gauhar. 

ü  The certificate of honor of the Ministry of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan has awarded the candidate of medical sciences, the associate professor of surgical diseases No. 1 Zhanasova Maral and the candidate of medical sciences, associate professor head of the department of microbiology Akhmetova Saule Baltabayevna.

ü  The letter of thanks from the Ministry of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan has awarded the assistant to department of internal diseases No. 2 Serikbayeva Aygul and the doctor-neuropathologist KSMU clinic Kizirova Alma.

ü  The certificate of honor of the Akim of the Karaganda region has awarded the head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology, the doctor of the highest qualification category Kopobayeva Irina.

ü  By the letter of thanks of Akim of the Karaganda region has awarded the associate professor of internal diseases No. 3, the candidate of medical sciences, Igimbayeva Gauhar.

ü  The certificate of honor of the Akim of Karaganda has awarded the doctor of medical sciences, professor, the head of the department of children's diseases No. 3 Abeuova Bibigul.

ü  The letter of thanks of Akim of Karaganda has awarded the candidate of medical sciences, the associate professor of neurology, psychiatry and narcology Belyaev Ruslan.

Yerzhan Nurlybayev, the principal of regional management of health care of the Karaganda region has handed Certificates of honor of Management of health care of the Karaganda region:

ü  To the head of the department of visual diagnostics, doctor of medical sciences, professor Aliyakparov Makash. 

ü  To professor of department of surgical descases No. 2 and pathological anatomy, doctor of medical sciences, Lokhvitsky Sergey.

ü  To professor of department of an oncology, doctor of medical sciences, Musulmanbekov Kani.

ü  To the head of the department of surgical descases No. 1, doctor of medical sciences, professor Teleuov Murat.

ü  To the head of the department of hygiene of a delivery, general hygiene and bionomics, doctor of medical sciences, professor Terekhin Sergey.

ü  To professor of department of surgical descases No. 2 and pathological anatomy, doctor of medical sciences Tusupbekova Mayda.

ü  To head of department of internal descases No. 3, doctor of medical sciences, professor Turgunova Lyudmila.

ü  To head of department of a propedeutics of internal descases, doctor of medical sciences, associate professor Bakirova Ryszhan Emelyevna.

ü  To head of department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Kym Antonina.

ü  To head of department of clinical pharmacology and evidence-based medicine, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Kaliyeva Sholpan.

ü  To the acting professor of department of children's infectious diseases, candidate of medical sciences, Alshynbekova Gulsharbat.

ü  To the acting professor of department of the general surgery and traumatology, candidate of medical sciences Tuleubayev Berik.

ü  To the associate professor of internal descases No. 3, candidate of medical sciences, Bayesheva Tatyana.

ü  To the assistant to department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology Hayyrova Ulmeken.

Mabiyev Kayyrzhan, the principal of Department of committee on control of medical and pharmaceutical activities for the Karaganda region has handed letters of thanks of Department of Committee of control by medical and pharmaceutical activities for the Karaganda region:

ü  To the doctor of medical sciences, professor of department of surgical descases No. 2 and pathological anatomy Tusupbekova Mayda.

ü  To the candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of a neurology, psychiatry and addictology Belyaev Ruslan.

ü  To the candidate of medical sciences, acting professor of department of children's descases No. 2 Kizatova Saule.

Badin Yulia, the vice-chairman of city branch of «Нұр Отан» city Maslikhat's deputy has handed letters of thanks of the "Nur Otan" Karaganda regional branch:

ü  To the teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines Bakirova Aluye.

ü  To the methodologist of department of history of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines Nikiforova Svetlana.

The chairman of the competition "The Best in profession in KSMU", professor of department of oncology, MD Kani Musulmanbekov awarded winners of the competition "The Best Profession".

ü  The winner in the nomination "The Best Doctor Therapist-cardiologist of KSMU" the associate professor of internal descases No. 3 of Igimbayeva Gauhar.

ü  The head of department of an oncology, the doctor of medical sciences, professor Sirota Valentina became the winner in the nomination "The Best Doctor Surgeon-oncologist of KSMU".

ü  The senior nurse of dental clinic Tatagulova Bota became the winner in the nomination "The Best Nurse of KSMU".

ü  "Regional Oncologic Dispensary" became the winner in the nomination "KSMU Best Clinical Base" by the solution of a contest committee.

The chairman of the competition "The Best Graduate of 2016" vice rector for clinical work and continuous professional development Bakhyt Kosherova handed diplomas and mementoes to winners of a competition.

ü  Amanzhol Tokhzhan became the winner in the nomination "The Best Intern Therapist of KSMU".

ü  Tokishev Almas became the winner in the nomination "The Best Intern — the General Medical Practiconer of KSMU".

ü  Amirov Manas became the winner in the nomination "The Best Intern - Surgeon of KSMU".

ü  Akhmetova Aygerim became the winner in the nomination "The Best Intern-obstetrician-gynecologist of KSMU".

ü  Latypov Rinat became the winner in the nomination "The Best Intern Pediatrician of KSMU".

ü  Pazylov Azamat became the winner in the nomination "The Best Intern Stomatologist of KSMU".

ü  Aytpayeva Aneliya became the winner in the nomination "The Best Graduate of Nurse Business".

Bakhyt Kosherova has handed letters of acknowledgement of the rector: 

ü  To professor Gazaliyeva Meruert.

ü  To professor Turgunova Lyudmila.

ü  To professor Tukbekova Bibigul.

ü  To professor Kuzgibekova Almagul.

ü  To professor Alshynbekova Gulsharbat.

ü  To professor Abdrakhmanova Maira.

ü  To professor Abatov Nurkasi.

ü  To associate professor Igimbayevy Gauhar.

ü  To associate professor Tauyeshova Zauresh.

ü  To associate professor Romashchenko Tatyana.

ü  To associate professor Laryushina Elena.

ü  To the assistant Zholdybayeva Gulfayruz.

ü  To the assistant Przhanova Anastasia.

ü  To the deputy chief physician for treatment-and-preventative work of the Polyclinic of MTs, Asanovoy Aygul.

ü  To the deputy chief physician for organizational and methodical work of the Polyclinic of MTs Suleymenova Aydana.

ü  To the doctor statist Sarbasova Moldir.

ü  To the otorhinolaryngologist Serikova Dariye Kokashovne.

ü  To the endoscopist Kim Alexander.

ü  To the general practitioner Kusayeva Gulnar.

ü  To the radiologist Pavlova Marina.

ü  To the dermatovenereologist Tutkushev Bakhytzhan.

ü  To the doctor obstetrician-gynecologist to Kalinina Varvara.

ü  To the doctor therapist Nikitinoy Olga.

ü  To the senior nurse, Serednyakova Natalya.

ü  To the nurse of functional diagnostics Zhamanbekova Almagul.

ü  To the nurse of procedural office Max. Olga.

ü  To the nurse of general practice Ergaliyeva Dana.

ü  To the registeres Zhaygaliyeva Ardak.

ü  To the nurse Bayzhan Moldir.

ü  To the dentist Abeuov Nurlan. 

ü  To the dentist Nikitin Andrey. 

ü  To the senior nurse Tatagulovy Bota. 

ü  To the assistant to department of visual diagnostics Polozhayeva Inna.

ü  To the doctoral candidate of 1 year of training Marchenko Alexander.

ü  To a resident 2 years Bogdanova Elena.

ü  To a resident 2 years Lozinskaya Natalya.

ü  To a resident 2 years Esniyazov Díaz.

ü  To a resident 2 years Globa Regine.

ü  To a resident 2 years Semenikhina Polina.

Nauryz Nurlan, the chairman of the KSMU trade-union organization has handed letters of the Karaganda regional affiliated union of workers of health care, trade-union leaders and assets of employees:

ü  To the doctor of medical sciences, professor of department of general surgery and traumatology Alimkhanova Roza.

ü  To the head of department of management of documentation of KSMU Komissarova Svetlana.

ü  To the doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the department of hygiene of food, general hygiene and ecology Terekhin Sergey.

ü  To the doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the department of children's surgery Askarov Meyrambek.

ü  To the candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of social medicine and organization of health care Sultanov Alshynbayu.

ü  To the senior teacher of department of foreign languages Mediyeva Saule.

ü  To the senior teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines Loman Nadezhda.

ü  To the deputy head of department of work with youth Batirov Fakhridin.

ü  To the laboratory assistant of department of obstetrics and gynecology Arenova Kulzira.

ü  To the accountant of Department of economics and finance of KSMU Dalabayev Marat.

ü  To the assistant to department of ambulance and emergency medical service No. 2 Ganzhula Yulia.

Letters of primary trade-union organization of Karaganda state medical university have been awarded trade-union leaders and activists:

ü  To the senior teacher of department of epidemiology and municipal hygiene Kantemirov Marat.

ü  To the teacher of department of biological chemistry Chaykovskaya Natalya.

ü  To the teacher of department of histology Aliyeva Mausym.

ü  To the laboratory assistant of department of internal diseases No. 1Tanabayeva Meyramgul.

ü  To the manager of the Student's recreation camp "Physician" Astapova Olga.

ü  To the manager of the Student's recreation camp "Physician" Zagert Marina.

ü  To the carpenter of the hostel No. 2 Asabuyev Meyrzhan.

ü  To the worker of department of operation and technical supervision of buildings and constructions Sadykov Toleu.

ü  To the worker of department of operation and technical supervision of buildings and constructions Tungatarov Ruslan.



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