Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Results of the competition "The Best in Profession - Graduate of KSMU" of 2016

Results of the competition "The Best in Profession - Graduate of KSMU" of 2016

12 May 2016

The competition on award in a rank "The best in profession – graduate of KSMU" was held in Karaganda state medical university from April 26 to April 29 on the nominations:

- "The best graduate surgeon of KSMU";

- "The best graduate therapist of KSMU";

- "The best graduate of general medical practice of KSMU";

- "The best graduate obstetrician-gynecologist of KSMU";

- "The best graduate pediatrician of KSMU";

- "The best graduate stomatologist of KSMU";

- "The best graduate pharmaceutist of KSMU";

- "The best graduate of nursing care of KSMU";

- "The best graduate of medical-preventive care of KSMU";

- "The best graduate of public health care of KSMU".19 graduates participated in a competition: in the nomination "The Best Graduate Therapist of KSMU" - 4 graduates, "The best graduate surgeon of KSMU" - 2, "The best graduate of general medical practice of KSMU" - 5, "The best graduate the obstetrician-gynecologist of KSMU" - 2, "The best graduate the pediatrician of KSMU" - 2, "The best graduate the stomatologist of KSMU" - 2, "The best graduate of nursing care of KSMU" - 2.

According to the regulation of the competition on award of a rank "The best in profession - graduate of KSMU" the competition was carried out in 4 steps: testing; assessment of clinical competence; portfolio assessment; presentation of the scientific project.

Following the results of the competition "The Best in Profession - Graduate of qmu" of 2016 in the nominations, the winners became:

- "The best intern obstetrician-gynecologist of KSMU" - Akhmetova Aygerim Kayratovna;

- "The best intern surgeon of KSMU" - Amirov Manas Sabrgaliyevich;

- "The best intern therapist of KSMU" - Amanzhol Togzhan Tolegenkyzy;

- "The best intern of general medical practice of KSMU" - Tokishev Almas Talgatovich;

- "The best intern pediatrician of KSMU" - Latypov Rinat Mirzanurovich;

- "The best intern stomatologist of KSMU" - Pazylov Azamat Madikhanuly;

- "The best graduate of nursing care of KSMU" - Aytpayeva Aneliya Sergeyevna.

The award ceremony of the competition "The Best in Profession - Graduate of KSMU" of 2016 will take place on a festive event of KSMU devoted to the day of the health worker. 

All participants of a competition will be handed certificates of participation in day of celebration "Day of the health worker".

Department of clinical work and employment of graduates.



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