Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The reporting concert of Belly dance national group "Қаракөз".

The reporting concert of Belly dance national group "Қаракөз".

09 June 2015

  On May 29, the reporting concert of Belly dance national group "Қаракөз" was held in the assembly hall of KSMU with great success.

  "Қаракөз" is the visiting-card of КSMU. This time the dancing group presented the bright unforgettable impressions to all admirers.The company was carefully preparing to this concert during the whole year.All participants of the group applied the maximum efforts for successful performance.The concert collected full hall of audience.Numerous friends, relatives, teachers and others came to support the participants.Rector of KSMU R.S.Dosmagambetova and academic dean V.B.Molotov-Luchansky also were presented  on the concert.

The group presented twelve brightest and colorful dancing numbers to the audience on the concert.Colorful dance "Махаббат cыры" opened the program and judging on applauses of public, the girls had touched hearts of audience.The next tender and elegant dance was "Қыз сезімі".The participants of the group had to pass all sense and beauty of Kazakh folk dance with facilities of the plastic arts. Undoubtedly, they have done it !

The audience further made the amazing journey to ancient China and saw ancient Chinese dance with fans.Then public was shifted to hot Spain, country of passions and inspiration.But it was not last thing what the participants of the group were able to surprise in this evening.The hot dzhigits and graceful girls presented the remarkable "Lezginka" to the audience.Beauty of Caucasian dance is so unique, that does not have nationality already.

  Undoubtedly, the farewell with five graduating students became the saddest moment of the event. Five charming and the best participants: N.Toiymbekova, A.Iliasova, D.Baysakova, F.Oskenbaeva and P.Mukataeva have graduated from the university and leaved the group.Girls are different by the nature and to temperament, but they were united by love to the choreography.Academic dean handed the grateful letter and collective portraits to the parents of graduating students for the memory.

  Aysulu Mukaramova (2-007 GМ).



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