Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Special tactical training

Special tactical training

08 April 2015

According to the instructions of the Committee of Emergency Situation of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and following the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of Civil Defense and Emergency Situation and according to the plan approved by Akim of Karaganda city dated 16th of October, 2014 the following events were carried out.

1. Civil Defense special tactical training on the theme: “Cooperation of Civil Defense formations in the course of localization and liquidation of consequences of industrial accidents, natural disasters, and sabotage and reconnaissance force actions.

2. Alert and muster training.

3. Emergency condition training.

The aim of special tactical training:

1. For leading and team-leading staff:

-  To give practice to team leading staff in the formation of SD, by the services of SD and ES and attached for control by the structural subdivisions during liquidation of consequences of ES and actions of SRF.

-  Improvement of work in transferring the SD of KSMU from peaceful to military situations in conditions of industrial accidents, disasters causalities, and actions of SRF.

2. For the formation of SD and services of SD and ES:

-  Revision of preparation degree on performing retriever and other crash dives and understanding their functional duties ,

-  Improvement of knowledge’s by practical training of actions in performing the events of SD and ES.

3.  For teachers, colleagues, workers and students:

-  Consolidation of gained knowledge on the passed program of training using practical actions as the situation may demand.

Trainer: Principal of KSMU – Commander of Civil defense of KSMU, doctor of Medical Science, Professor Dosmagambetova R.S.

Specific operational practice involves:

-  Chief Deputies of CD of KSMU.

-  Faculties deans – commanding officers of CD of faculties, Department of field operation, SRC, Department of teaching and guiding, practical skills center, medical college, library and departments with the staff;

-  Heads of departments with their colleagues;

-  Subordinate commanders of CD and subordinate staff of CD of faculties according to the lists of the career staff and order of the commander of CD KSMU № 389 from 2th December 2014 “Organization and leading CD in KSMU in 2015”

-  Military training department of KSMU:

Commander of the military training department with their colleagues;

-  Heads of service of CD and ES of AHA and personal staff of CD services and ES of AHA:

a) emergency-technical

b) fire-fighting

c) communication

d) commandants

e) medical on the stomatological clinical base and KSMU polyclinic.

f) transport on the base of garages

Common direction of conducting special tactical trainings and trainings were performed by the rector of KSMU, chief of Civil Defense of KSMU, doctor of medical sciences, Professor Dosmagambetova R.S.

The special tactical training exercise, alert and military training, emergency exercises were involved by chief of staff of civil defense of KSMU Zinin A.M.

-  Overhead personal – 26 persons;

-  Subordinate commanders of civil defense – 26 persons;

-  Personnel of formations -266 persons;

-  Academic teaching staff, workers, administration and students who aren’t  members of personal formations of civil defense – 530 persons were involved during special tactical training exercises

  -1098 persons participated in.

Set by the chief of Civil Defense of KSMU – rector of KSMU tasks are complete accomplished.

Summative assessment is “Good”

Conclusion: KSMU for accomplishment of Civil Defense tasks is “Ready”

21 persons were awarded certificates and 29 persons were awarded commendations for accomplishment of right coordinated actions, manifestations of sensible initiative, creative work and efforts during preparation to training exercise, efficient leadership.



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