Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
We meet Nauryzmeiramy!

We meet Nauryzmeiramy!

07 April 2015

  Within the framework of celebration of the 70th anniversary of Great Victory and also the 65th anniversary of KSMU, the competition of departments "We meet Nauryz meiramy!" was held in the university. Competent judges consisted of Z.Bekturganov, S.Sartabaev, D.Doskozhin, N.Nauryzov, B.Zhumabekov and A.Aubakirova from 18 to March 19 visited the departments of university and estimated preparation to the spring holiday.

  On March 20, the solemn awarding ceremony for winners was held in the assembly hall of the university.

Traditionally, the solemn ceremony was started with the opening speech of Academic dean V.B. Molotov-Luchansky.

The Kazakh folk custom "Kyz uzaty" was prepared by the department of Internal diseases № 1, together with the department of educational and social work and was shown to the guests of holiday.

It was remarkable that the foreign guests Stella Adauzhy (Moldova) and Ulrich Bitz (Germany) were involved in performance.Our guests sitting at the generously covered dastarkhan as "Kudalar", estimated the dishes of the traditional Kazakh kitchen.

  While "Kudalar" tried «besbarmak», «kazy», «baursak» and «nauryz-kozhe», the dombra orchestra with kuyi "Alkissa", folk ensemble "Karakoz" with dance "Kara zhorga", the participants of authorial-poetic club "Zhyr Zhaukhar" with the poem "Тort mezgil" and also Аidar Tuleev  with the song "Ata dastur" and Zhasur Salakhiddinov with composition of “Sen dilim” demonstrated professional skills  on the stage.


The jury S.Sartabaev, N.Nauryzov and D.Doskozhin were invited on the stage for solemn announcement of festive competition of results at the end of the event.

  As a result of competition places were distributed as follows:

1 place: Department of Kazakh language;

  Department of the Child's infectious diseases;

2 place: Department of General medical practice № 2;

  Department of Russian language;

3 place: The subdepartment of Anatomy;

  Operative dentistry department;

  Department of Medical recreation therapy and sport medicine.

  In addition, the judges founded three creative nominations:

1.  "Originality of idea of celebration" - Department of Neuro-surgery and neuropathology;

2.  “Embodiment of holiday nationalness spirit" - Department of Internal diseases № 1;

3.  "National colour and traditions" - The department of General pharmacology.

  Aizhan Malikaydar(3-032 GM)

  member of debating club "Namys".



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