Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
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Dear colleagues, students and young scientists!

Dear colleagues, students and young scientists!

06 January 2015

We are glad to invite the students and young scientists to take part in the Republican scientific and practical conference (hereinafter Conference) “MULTILINGUALISM IN THE SPHERE OF HIGHER EDUCATION”, which will be held on the 26th of February, 2015.

The aim of the conference: support of the Presidential State Programme upon the development of the multilingual personality, integration of scientific researches devoted to the problems of multilingual education.

Conference topics:

1. The theory and practice of multilingual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan

2. Multilingualism in the world practice

3. The current state of the multilingual training in medical universities

4. Polylogue of languages and cultures: history and contemporaneity

5. The reflection of national culture in the language

The languages to be used at the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English, German.

The application forms for conference participation (according to the attached form), texts of articles and scanned copies of conference fee (at the rate of 500 tenge) are received until the 23rd of January, 2015 by email: lyova_f@mail.ru or ayman9057@mail.ru, or at the address: 100000, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, 18 Erubayeva St., Karaganda State Medical University, Building №1, first floor, Foreign Languages Department.

Sending the documents by email, please, pay attention to their format: there must be two files – article and application. The titles of the files must contain a surname of the first author (e.g. Ivanov.doc).

Article submission guidelines:

The text of the article containing not more than four pages A4 (including illustrations and tables) should be typed in the text editor Microsoft Word, Times New Roman 14 / Times New Roman KZ 14 (line spacing – 1.5, left field – 3.0 mm, the other fields – 2.0 mm, tabulation – 1.25 cm); word-wrap, italic text emphasizing.

The information is organized as follows: the title of the article is on the 1st line in capital letters without word-wrap (bold type, central text arrangement), the initial name letters and surname of the author(s) are on the 2nd line, the full name of the educational organization and the name of the city (central text arrangement) are placed on the 3rd line, the initial name letters and surname of the supervisor(s) his academic degree and position – italic and with the central text arrangement.

Leaving one spare line, the main text of the article is typed. The text has full justification.

Text references are shown in the brackets as appearing in the article [1, p. 22].

The reference list (Times New Roman 12 / Times New Roman KZ 12) is placed at the end of the article leaving one spare line from the main text in order of citation in accordance with the rules of the contemporary State Standards. The pages are not numbered.

The material should be edited thoroughly to meet all demands.

The articles which do not meet all demands and are sent after deadline will not be included into the conference articles book and given back to the authors!

If you have any questions, address the conference organizing committee.

Contacts: 8(7212) 56-41-81 (extension number 117), mobile: 87015346396 Olga Levina, 87012412278 Aiman Kelmaganbetova.

E-mail: lyova_f@mail.ru or ayman9057@mail.ru

Arrangement fee details:

“OS Independent trade union of KSMU staff and students”

JSC National Bank of Kazakhstan

BIN 030240000359


IIC KZ166010191000044760

Code 18

With notification“conference fee”

The travelling and residence expenses are made by conference participants.


Example of material arrangement in the article


T.V. Shamsutdinova

Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda

Supervisor: O.I. Levina, teacher of KSMU Foreign Languages Department

Text ………………..


1. Armitage, G.C. Development of classification system for periodontal diseases and conditions / G.C. Armitage // Ann. Periodontal. – 1999. - №1. – P. 1-6.

2. …………………….


Application form for conference participation


Full name of the author( s)


Supervisor’s full name, academic degree, position


Full name of University, city, specialty, academic year


The title of the article


Conference topic


Address, author’s or authors’ phone number(s)


Author’s or authors’ email


Participation: internal, external


Necessary technical equipment


Number of the conference articles books


Necessity of reserving the hotel room (yes/no)




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