Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
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Workshop «Integrative approach in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents».

Workshop «Integrative approach in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents».

17 November 2014

The date: 24-28 of November 2014

The venue: regional mental hospital, 23 Gastello Street, the 2nd Floor, Department of Psychiatry and narcology of KSMU

The master Class will be held by Lubchenco M. U.- Head of the Department and Stolyrova V.V. - assistant of the department

Contact information: Department of Psychiatry and narcology of KSMU,  Assistant Stolyrova V.V.

e-mail: Stolyarova@qmu.kz



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