Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
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Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!

14 March 2014

We invite you to take part in the Republican research and practice conference with international participation (hereinafter – Conference) “Topical problems of HIV infection” dedicated to 25 years of AIDS service, that will take place on May, 22-23, 2014 in Karaganda State Medical University.  

The purpose of the conference is concerted action of practical medicine and science in the control over HIV/AIDS in the Central Asian region. Exchange of experience and joining together efforts in preventive measures and treatment of HIV/AIDS.  

Heads and workers of MPH RK, organizations of public health, National centers, SRI, medical educational institutions, international organizations engaged in problems of HIV infection, are invited for participation in the work of Conference.

Within the frames of Conference there is planning the work on the following directions:

1. Epidemiological situation on HIV infection in the RK.

2. Topical problems of clinical and preventive medicine in the field of HIV infection.

3. Modern approaches to the HIV infection treatment

4. LaboratorydiagnosticsofHIVinfection

5. Modern approaches to disease prevention and formation of healthy lifestyle.  

Working languages of the Conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Forms of participation: publication (article), oral reports, е-poster reports.

For participation in the work of the Conference it is necessary to send the following materials to the address of organizing committee: 

1.  Conference application form (form is attached);

2.  report, article (electronic and printed copies);

3.  a copy of payment receipt for publication and registration fee.  

Requirements to the execution of publication

1.  Text of the article has to be typed on the one side of the standard sheet. 1 page must contain no more than 30 lines of text. Font Times New Roman, font size 14, sesquialter interval, margins above and below 2 cm, leftward 4 cm, rightward 1 cm. The article must have the following sections: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, outcomes, literature. The article may be written in any form, if an author wants to describe an interesting situation, to share his experience, recommendations or advice. 

2.  Material must be presented in 2 copies and in computer media (memory card) or by electronic mail (Serbo@qmu.kz). The article must be minimum in 4 typewriting pages, including list of literature. 

3.  No more than 3 articles of the same authors are admitted for publication.

4.  The article must have a visa of a head of the chair, organization for the right of publication.

5.  In the beginning of the first page there must be written initials and surnames of the authors (no more than five), name of the article, name of institution, where the work is executed, with indication of chair (department), city. In the end of the article there must be indicated addresses and telephones of the authors.

6.  Photographs, figures and drawings must be scanned or executed in computer variant. Photographs must be contrasting, figures – clear, picture captions are mandatory. There are indicated a painting technique, expansion in microphotograph captions.  

7.  Tables must be entitled, numbered and printed.

8.  Abbreviations of the words, names, except of generally accepted, are not allowed. Measures are given according to the SI system. Abbreviations are interpreted after the first appearance in the text and remain unchanged.   

9.  List of literature is composed in alphabetical order in accordance with State Standard 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographical description. General requirements and rules for execution». In the text there is given bibliographical reference to the order number of the source in the square brackets. Referencestounpublishedworksarenotallowed.

10.  Material will be placed in the collection by the method of blind copying, therefore the articles are accepted only carefully edited with observance of all above mentioned requirements.  

11.  Sending to the organizing committee the works published before or sent to the other editions for publication, is not allowed.  

12. Cost of publication makes 500 tenge per one page.

13. Registration fee in amount of 5000 or 1500 tenge may be transferred up to April, 30, 2014 on account of “PA Independent Union of Employees and Students of KSMU”. Travel expenses and accommodation are covered by sending part.

Cost of arrangement fee in the amount of 5000 tenge includes:

·Participation in the conference work;

·Receipt of materials of conference (collection);

·Show bag;

·Certificate of participant;

Cost of arrangement fee in amount of 1500 tenge includes:

·  Participation in the conference work;

·  Receipt of on-line version of conference’s materials (in CD);

·  Show bag;

·  Certificate of participant.

Time period for materials submission for publication in collection and application for participation – up to April 23 of 2014

Contact details:

The Republic of Kazakhstan, 100008, Karaganda, Karaganda State Medical University, head of Immunology and Allergology chair Meruert Arstanovna Gazaliyeva,contact number.: 8-707-555-55-14; e-mail: Gazalieva@qmu.kz

The Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, CSA “Karaganda regional center for AIDS prevention and treatment», head of department Alla Yuriyevna Shalina,contact number: 8-7212-44-18-05, 8-701-485-18-77; e-mail: aidcenterkar@mail.ru  orfax 8 (7212)  44- 15- 80.


Contact information of executive secretary for collected works of conference:

Journal editor “Medicine and ecology» Yekaterina Sergeevna Serbo, Republic of Kazakhstan, 100008, Karaganda, Karaganda State Medical University, Gogolya st., 40, room №137, contact number: 8-7212-51-38-97 (138), 8-701-366-14-74, e-mail: Serbo@qmu.kz.

Requisites of KSMU for publications payment:

RSE “Karaganda State Medical University”

Address: Karaganda, Gogolya st., 40

TRN  301 700030512 

IIC  KZ698560000000502860

Tel  51-38-97

JSC “Bank CenterCredit” Karaganda


BC  16

With a note “for article publication in collection”

Requisites for payment of arrangement fee:“PA Independent union of employees and students of KSMU”

TRN 302 000 230 256

JSC National Bank of Kazakhstan

Code - 18


IIC KZ166010191000044760

With a note “for arrangement fee”

With a note “for organization of exhibition”

“for sponsor support”

Appendix 1


Full name (in full)

In Kazakh__________________________________________________________

In Russian_______________________________________________________

In English_______________________________________________________

Academic degree, title ______________________________________________

Organization, post_____________________________________________


Telephone ________________________ fax _____________________________

e-mail _____________________________________________________________

Postal address____________________________________________________

o Oral communication   o Poster report

Report title___________________________________________________


Duration of stay at conference: arrival date _____________________

  departure date _____________________

Please, make a reservation in a hotel from “__________” to “____________”

“___” ___________ 20__    

(revision date)




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