Department of Internal Diseases No. 3
History of the department. The history of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 3 dates back to 2005 as part of the dean's office of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education and Continuing Professional Improvement and is associated with the name of the distinguished therapist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor N.S. Umbetalina, which for 10 years has been its permanent leader. Professor N.S. Umbetalina in her work successfully combined educational, methodical, scientific, clinical and social activities. She has published over 300 scientific papers (including publications in the near and far abroad), including 2 monographs, a number of guidelines and tutorials, 11 patents. Under her scientific guidance 12 candidates of medical sciences, 4 master’s degree students, 1 doctor of PhD were trained. Since 2015, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor L.G. Turgunova.
Since 2017, the department is headed by a doctor of medical sciences, professor L.K. Ibrayeva. She has about 200 scientific publications, including 7 monographs, more than 20 guidelines, 1 methodological guide, 6 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 Eurasian patent, 8 certificates of intellectual property. She has trained 2 candidates of science, approved by the Committee on the Control of Education and Science of the MES of RK. For all the time of labor activity she successfully combined scientific and pedagogical activity with clinical work.
Among the first members of the department were Ph.D., associate professor T.K. Dyusembayeva and Ph.D. S.E. Dikanbayeva. Over the years, Professor R.M. Abdullabekova, MD, Professor L.G. Turgunova, MD, Professor R.A. Omarova, Professor N.I. Sheveleva, MD, Professor A.M. Bukenov, MD, Professor K.Z. Musulmanbekov, PhD, Associate Professor Igimbayeva G.T., Ph.D., Associate Professor Y.V. Krug, associate professor N.N. Rechenskaya, Ph.D. Z.S. Kyzyrova, Ph.D. D.T. Amirkhanova, Ph.D. A.B. Skakova, Ph.D. G.K. Magzumov, assistants N.N. Sedach, Z.S. Erzhanova, S.V. Volokitin worked in a core of the department.
A great contribution to the development of the department was made by internal part-time workers, such highly qualified specialists as Professor R.S. Dosmagambetova, Professor R.D. Konakbayeva, Professor D.Z. Tayzhanova, Professor M.M. Tusupbekova, professor T.M. Mazhitov, Professor S.B. Zhautikova, Associate Professor L.K. Badina, Associate Professor M.T. Aitkulov.
From the first years of formation, representatives of practical health care, doctors of the highest and first qualification category as external part-time workers also work at the department. Among the first were: an endocrinologist L.K. Amenova, doctor of functional diagnostics N.F. Biserova, hematologist V.N. Shilova, resuscitation anesthesiologist A.G. Sirotenko, gastroenterologist I.A. Lozinskaya, endocrinologist Z.M. Tutukushbayeva, cardiologist A.G. Magzumov, endocrinologist T. N. Ten. Currently, the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics E.E. Dyusembaev, resuscitation doctor V.V. Snisarenko, pulmonologist A.A. Nygimetova, nephrologists, S.S. Sariyeva, Y.V. Kapinos, rheumatologist R.T. Ishigov, Head of the Department of Localization D.K. Aubakirov.
Employees of the department have repeatedly become winners: first place in the nomination "The Best Therapist of KSMU" Associate Professor T.K. Dyusembayeva, first place in the nomination "Best Young Assistant" ass. I.V. Bacheva.
Along with the teaching staff, the laboratory assistants contributed to the development of the department – T.V. Blinnikova, A.K. Yelemesova, T.V. Marushchak, A.S. Zhamkeyeva, Z.Y.Yerbolatova.
The department provides training for undergraduate and internship students in the "General Medicine" specialty: in the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases" for the 2-3 course, in the discipline "Internal Diseases" for the 4 course, for interns-therapists of the 6 and 7 courses; on elective discipline "Fundamentals of ultrasound and functional diagnostics" for students of the 5th course, on the discipline: "Extragenital pathology in pregnant women" for the 6th year; Medical College on the discipline "Internal Diseases", residents in the specialties "Pulmonology, including paediatric" (accredited in the 2017-2018 school year), "Nephrology, including paediatric", undergraduates, Ph.D-doctoral students, doctors retraining and advanced training cycles in 6 specialties: therapy, geriatrics, nephrology, rheumatology, pulmonology, functional diagnostics, occupational pathology.
Previously, along with these specialties, doctors were trained in gastroenterology, endocrinology, hematology, transfusiology, dermatovenereology (dermatology and cosmetology), medical rehabilitation, sports medicine, traditional therapy (reflexotherapy, manual therapy, su-jok therapy, homeopathy, hirudotherapy, phytotherapy), therapy, physiotherapy, manual therapy, su-jok therapy, homeopathy, hirudotherapy, phytotherapy). (chemotherapy, mammology), clinical laboratory diagnostics, forensic medical examination, pathological anatomy, pharmacy, training of nurses and teachers of "MUK" NCJSC on the cycles of pedagogical qualification improvement. Employees of the department conducted training of students and visiting cycles within the Karaganda region (Zhezkazgan, Sortirovka), and other areas (Pavlodar, Kostanay, Aktau, Ekibastuz, Taldykorgan). The equipment of the department allows to conduct the educational process at the highest level. Videos, microscopes, medical equipment (2 peak flow meters, a nebulizer, an ultrasound scanner), allowing to evaluate the dynamics (monitoring) of the function of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems of a person - to the services of students.
From the first days of its existence, the department staff conducts research. Employees of the department took part in the organization and holding of the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference called "Family and Reproductive Health" (November 14, 2008, KSMA), the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual issues of hematology and internal diseases" (October 08-09, 2009, KSMU), International Scientific and Practical Conference “Extragenital Pathology in Pregnant Women: Actual Problems and Solutions” (May 16-17, 2013, KSMU). Employees of the department organized with the representatives of the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine (Moscow) Ph.D. E.N. Dudinskaya and Ph.D. N.V. Sharashkina of the Master Class “Maintaining Pregnant Women with Heart and Endocrine Diseases” (May 13-17, 2013, KSMU) for general practitioners, cardiologists, endocrinologists, obstetric gynecologists and general practitioners; for doctors of practical public health - Master class "Management of pregnant women with heart and endocrine system diseases", training seminar "Actual issues of clinical pulmonology in the practice of a Tuberculosis specialist doctor." Employees of the department are involved in the implementation of scientific programs: grant funding for research on the topic "Multi-factor prediction and prevention of complications in extragenital pathology in pregnant women" (2012-2014), "Environmental risks and public health" (2014-2016), "Development scientific basis for the formation of a preventive environment in order to preserve public health”(2017-2019). The main scientific interests are aimed at studying the features of the pathogenesis, clinic and treatment and prevention of the most common diseases of the respiratory, urinary, cardiovascular systems, rheumatological diseases, extragenital pathology in pregnant women. The department has 4 Ph.D. theses, 7 master’s theses, and 1 doctoral thesis.
The department is located at 6 clinical bases - Regional Clinical Hospital, Regional Medical Center, Institute of Pablic Health and Professional Health, MF “Гиппократ” LLP, «KMU» NCJSC University Hospital, polyclinic №4. The clinical bases of the department are equipped with modern equipment for laboratory, instrumental and functional diagnostics. Teaching is conducted in the State, Russian and English languages. Active learning methods are widely used in the educational process - problem lectures, innovative technologies (interactive lecture, PBL, TBL, CBL, Project-based learning, RBL), e-learning technologies, interdisciplinary, simulation training, elements of distance learning, as well as exit academic mobility.
The department actively interact with "MUA" JSC, KNMU named after Asfendiyarov, KazMUNO, NSMU, Ryazan State Medical University.
Employees of the department constantly raise the level of their qualifications both in the “MUK” JSC and in the countries of near and far abroad: in 2018 by I.V. Bachev in St. Petersburg, E. Zubkova in 2018 (Austria, Salzburg), Minbayeva L.S. in 2018 (. (Austria, Salzburg) Assistant of the Department Tulegenova D.E. passed the qualification of the cycles "Effective teacher" and "Basic course of trainers to improve the pedagogical qualifications of medical educational organizations on the module" Professional, leader and organizer " 216 hours and she is also included in the membership of trainers of the center of innovative technologies. The teacher-tutor Turhanova Z.Z. passed training on cycles "effective teacher" and "researcher and scientist", "Training of tutors of problem-based learning with the use of virtual patients."
Employees of the department are involved in the cultural and social life of the university: the department holds intellectual quizzes - “New Year”, “Nauryz Meiramy” and the annual student festival “We are different, we are equal, we are together”.
Currently working at the department:
Doctors of sciences, professors - Ibrayeva L.K., Amanbekova A.U., Bakirova R.Y.
Candidates of sciences: Nursultanova S.D., Bayesheva T.A. , Trebuhina O.I., Ospanova K., Abildin M.A.
Doctors PhD: Bacheva I.V., Minbayeva L.S.
Assistants: Uteubayeva R.D., Tulegenova D.E., Turdaly F.M., Kolybyuk V.Y., Bigaydarova G.K., Zubkova Y.Y., Seitzhanova G.B., Bakiyeva K.M., Sadvokasova G.M., Turkhanova Z.Z., Shumskaya V.V.