Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»

The approved composition of the permanent members of the Dissertation Council in the specialties «Pharmacy» and «Pharmaceutical Production Technology» in accordance with Order No. 212 of May 27, 2024 on the approval of the permanent members of the meeting of the Dissertation Council for the defense of the dissertation in the specialty «Pharmacy» and «Pharmaceutical Production Technology» and decision of the Senate (Minutes No. 8 of April 30, 2024) of «Karaganda Medical University» NСJSC. 

№212 от 27.05.2024 об утверждении постоянных членов ДС по ОП Фармация и Технология фармацевтического производства НАО КМУ

Выписка из Сената НАО МУК №8 от 30.04.2024 ДС Фарм и ТФП скан



