Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Dear colleagues!
30 April 2015
Department of therapeutic disciplines of continuous professional development facultyand Department of internal medicine №2 have the honour to present master class "In support of the…
Dear colleagues!
30 April 2015
On May 5 at 18.00 p.m., the debate tournament "Unknown pages of Great Patriotic War", organized by Kazakh and Russian leagues of Debate club of the university will take place in KSMU.…
21 April 2015
Dear teachers! We invite you to attend the open lesson on the subject "Russian language" with the group 1050 of the specialty «General Medicine", which will be held on the 23 April…
Dear, managers of departments
20 April 2015
Subscription to magazines and newspapers for the 2d half of 2015 year begins. Please, submit requests todepartments for necessary magazines and newspapers till April, 25. Library
Dear colleagues!
17 April 2015
The collection of humanitarian help to the flood victims of Karaganda region was organized in Karaganda State Medical University. If you are not indifferent man and you have…
17 April 2015
Dear colleagues! We invite you to curatorial meeting on the topic «The550th Anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate» on the 21st of April at 11.10 at the Department of History of…
17 April 2015
Department of medical rehabilitation and sports medicine of continuous professional development faculty holds a master class on"Miofascial pain , diagnosis, treatment" in the amount of…
Dear graduates!
17 April 2015
Karaganda State Medical University is holding a competition for the award of the title "The Best in Profession - graduate of KSMU" on the nominations: «The best intern…
Dear teachers!
17 April 2015
The Department of Russian language informs on the week dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945"The poetry competition "Lines, scorched by war"…
16 April 2015
On April 20, the department of Kazakhstan history and social and political disciplines holds a conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War on the…
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