Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


05 July 2016
In accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan carried out a set of students for training in the military - medical faculty of the Military…
22 June 2016
2014 жылдан бастап «Қазакстан Республикасы Әділет министрлігінің жаршысы» ақпараттық-талдау журналы (бұдан әрі - Журнал) жарыққа шығарылады. Журналдың құрылуының негізгі мақсаты -…
Dear students!
15 June 2016
A contest for the participation in internal academic mobility programs is open. Requirements to the participants: GPA not less than 2.75; the absence of academic arrears and penalties.…
Dear Colleagues!
14 June 2016
Dear Colleagues! We congratulate you with the professional holiday –Medical Worker’s Dayand invite you to the grand meeting,which will held on June 16, at 15.00 p.m.in the Assembly Hall…
Attention! Alumni Meeting of KSMU!
14 June 2016
Dear graduates! We invite you to the traditional meeting with graduates of KSMU, which will be held in the Assembly Hall (40 Gogol Street) on June 25, 2016 at 11.00. We are waiting for…
Dear 2 year- students of the specialty “General medicine”!
03 June 2016
There is a contest for an internship in the Orenburg State Medical University Available places: 10. Period: from June 28 to July 4. Requirements: GPA not less than 2.95. No…
02 June 2016
Dear 2 year- students of the specialty “General medicine”! There is a contest for an internship in the Perm State Medical University Available places: 5. Period: from June 28 to July…
01 June 2016
For the purposes of development of academic mobility Kokshetau state university named after Shokan Ualikhanov invites students of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries to attend the Summer…
Dear Colleagues!
31 May 2016
Department of Ambulance and Emergency Medical Care #1 invites you to participate in the master class on the topic “Emergency conditions. Modern aspects of diagnosis and providing…
26 May 2016
ҚР ДӘДМ Шаруашылық жүргізу құқығындағы «Қарағанды мемлекеттік медицина университеті» РМК профессорлық-оқытушылар құрамының бос орындарын уақытша ауыстыруға конкурс жариялайды:…
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