Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


21 November 2016
Defense of the dissertation work for a degree of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) of Bukeyeva S. Aliya on the subject "Psychophysiological aspects of developing individually-oriented…
21 November 2016
The defense of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) will be held in the Karaganda state medical university by Dmitriy Babenko on the theme «Research of concordance and…
21 November 2016
Dissertation advice "Karaganda State Medical University» announces the postponement of defending his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Shayhin Anuar Maratovich on…
Dear students and teachers of KSMU!
15 November 2016
We invite you to a solemn concert dedicated to celebration of 80th Anniversary of Karaganda region. November 18, 2016 at 17.00 p.m. The Assembly Hall of KSMU
15 November 2016
Dear students and teachers of KSMU!We invite you to grand opening of art exhibition, dedicated to celebration of 25th Anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, organized by Fine arts…
Attention! On-line survey
03 November 2016
“Values of Karaganda state medical university students” A student’s survey is carry out in order to determine value orientation of students. You will make an invaluable contribution to…
Dear students of KSMU!
02 November 2016
A contest for participation in International Winter School “German customs in Kazakhstan and Germany”, arranged by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) together with the Faculty of…
Dear 2,3-year students of “Public Health” specialty!
02 November 2016
Scientific-Educational foundation named after Esenov announced a contest for 10 scholarships for Kazakhstan students for scientific training in the best laboratories of the world during…
Dear 2-year Master’s students of “Nursing care” speciality!
01 November 2016
A contest for participation in the external academic mobility program at Graduate School of Management in Barcelona (Spain) is open. Number of places: 1. Requirements to the…
Dear 2-year Master’s students of “Medicine” specialty!
01 November 2016
A contest for participation in the external academic mobility program at Graduate School of Management in Barcelona (Spain) is open. Number of places: 1. Requirements to the…
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