Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


The invitation in summer school "Clinical Communicative Skills"
21 June 2017
The department of basics of psychology and department of public health and health care No. 1 invite students of all specialties and courses to summer school "Clinical Communicative…
Dear teachers and students!
06 June 2017
We invite all interested students and teachers to the Assembly Hall of KSMU on 8 June, at 16:00 p.m., for a concert of the professional Lithuanian ethnic dance group “Ratilio”.
Dear teachers and students!
06 June 2017
We congratulate you on the Medical Worker’s Day and invite you to the grand meeting, held on 14 June, at 16.00 p.m., at the Assembly Hall of KSMU.
Dear students and employees of KSMU!
02 June 2017
From 1 June started working a Student Sport and Recreation Camp “Medik” in Topar Village and Komissarovka Village. Topar Village: convenient location on the shore of Topar reservoir,…
29 May 2017
ҚР ДСМ Шаруашылық жүргізу құқығындағы «Қарағанды мемлекеттік медицина университеті» РМК профессорлық-оқытушылар құрамының бос орындарын басуға конкурс жариялайды:Акушерлік және…
26 May 2017
On June 1, 2017 at 1:40pm Department of Kazakh Language and Department of Elementary Psychology and Communication Skills will be holding an interdisciplinary conference on the courses of…
25 May 2017
The Department of Foreign Languages invites all those who wish to attend the classes on a free basis within the framework of "Speaking English" summer thematic school for the purpose of…
Dear 3 year - students of "General medicine" specialty!
22 May 2017
There is a contest for an internship in Ryazan State Medical University (Russia). Available places: 10. Period: from June 22 to July 5. Requirements: · GPA more than 2.95; · Lack…
Dear 3-year students of “General Medicine” specialty of KSMU!
18 May 2017
A contest for participation in the external academic mobility program at Vilnius University (Lithuania, Vilnius city) for training during the spring semester of 2017-2018 academic year is…
18 May 2017
Within the framework of the development of business education in KSMU, from 20 May to 21 May (from 10 am to 6 pm) in 362 lecture room will be conducted the training “Business Education”…
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