Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Conditions of essay contest «Touch to Victory. The war in the history of my family»

Conditions of essay contest «Touch to Victory. The war in the history of my family»

03 March 2015

General conditions of essay contest « Touch to Victory. The war in the history of my family» dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory (hereinafter Contest) is held as a part of the Plan of 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 from June 5, 2013.

Contest purpose: promotion of patriotism among the students through the study of history, communication with family members - participants and bystanders of the Great Patriotic War.

Contest objects: formation of the student’s objective opinion of the Great Patriotic War history; preservation of historical heritage; strengthening of family traditions, family relations through the study of the history of the family members and contemporaries of the Great Patriotic War; development of the students’ creative abilities; enrichment of the literary language of the contestants.

The founders and organizers of the contest.

 The founder of the Contest is the department of educational and social work with students of Karaganda State Medical University.  Organizing committee was created to organize and conduct the Contest. The Organizing Committee consists of teachers of the Department of Russian and Kazakh languages and specialists of educational and social work with students. The following activities fall under the competence of the Organizing Committee: preparations management, organization and holding of the Contest; development of the program and the Contest procedure; formation and approval of the Contest Judging Panel; analysis of documents submitted to the contest; setting of special nominations.

The Contest participants

Any student of KSMU who wants to, can participate in the Contest.

The Contest Procedure

The Contest will be held from April 1 till May 10, 2015. Works for the Contest submission involves the preparation and submission of the works to the Contest Organizing Committee by e-mail Mambetova@qmu.kz

(marked «Essay»):

From May 10 till May 20, 2015 the activities of judges involve processing and assessment of the materials; posting of the materials on the web-site; the winners selection.

The works execution procedure

The works for the Contest should be written in Kazakh and Russian languages and submitted in electronic form. Texts of the materials submitted for the contest must meet the following requirements: typed half line spacing; normal font (not bold, not italic), Times New Roman; size 14;

Left margin - 3 cm, 1.5 cm – right margin, head margin - 2 cm, tail margin - 2 cm;

pagination - footer (center); volume of the work should be at least two printed pages (the first page - completed application, the second - the text of the work); additional illustrations should be submitted in electronic form (f.e. the modern and war-time photo of an essay character);

The photos should be submitted in a separate file in JPEG. The organizers reserve the right to use the works submitted to the Contest for non-commercial purposes in compliance with the personal rights of the author.

Essay assessment criteria

The Contest works will be judged on the following criteria:

compliance of an essay with the contest topic;

theme development;

original approach to the theme development;

literacy, knowledge of the state and Russian languages.

Contact information.  The Organizing Committee is located at:

Karaganda, 40 GogolStr., room 126

Phone: (7212) 51-38-97 int. 199

E-mail: Mambetova@qmu.kz

Information about participant.

Full name

Date of birth / age

Mobile telephone number


Education year





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