Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!

26 September 2014

We invite you to take part in training-seminar “Innovative technology in dental implantology AGE of PEEK” 23rd-24th of October 2014 With a participation of Dr. Frank Peter Spahn, University of Paris V (France)

Dr. Frank Peter Spahn is an inventor of the new implantation method with immediate dental prosthetics without bone augmentation for patients withhighness of bone resorbtion. He is a holder at more than 100 patents in implantology. The developer of first ever implants system of new generation on the basis of isoelastic PEEK material. He is a teacher of implantology in Paris and Brussels universities.


Seminar’s plan

23rd of October 2014


Location: KSMU Karaganda, Gogol Str., 40 conference hall 

09:00 – 09:30  Registration

09:30 – 09:45  Greeting of participants and guests of the seminar

09:45 – 13:00  Surgery part:

- System of dental implants PEEK PERSO

- Development and introduction of PEEK into medicine

- Physical and chemical properties of the material

- Advantages of PEEK and PEEK vs titanium implants

- Osteointegration properties of PEEK

- Usage Indications for PEEK PERSO B and C

- Instructions for two-step implant insertion PEEK PERSO B, C 

- Clinical cases

13:00 - 14:00  lunch time

14:00 – 15:30  Orthopedics part:

- Types of orthopedics constructions with PEEK

- Cement or screw fixation?

- Occlusion on PEEK implants.

- Prosthesis instruction for two step implants insertion of PEEK PERSO B, C

- Choice of abatment

- Technical part.

- Clinical cases


Practical course

Master –class demonstration of implants on plastic models

Location: Stomatology clinic of KSMU Karaganda, Alalykina Str., 14, lecture hall 212

24th of October

09:00 – 15:00 

Master-class: operation on a patient in implantology office, translation in the lecture hall 212

Languages of seminar: English, Russian

Location of seminar:

Karaganda, Gogol Str., 40

Contact information of seminar administration: Gogol Str., 40, Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda , Kazakhstan 100008

Dean of Operative dentistry department of KSMU, Dr. Kurashev Amangelgy Galymzhanovich telephone -702-677-66-15; e-mail: Kurashev@qmu.kz

Head teacher of Operative dentistry department of KSMU, Ibraimova Zhanar Muslimkhanovna (responsible secretary of practical part of seminar) Tel. 8-701-313-17-24,  e-mail: ibrzhan@mail.ru; z.ibraimova@qmu.kz   

Address for registration and submitting applications:

Gogol Str., 40, Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan 100008

 Dean’s office of DCPD (Department of continuous professional development) room 103 



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