Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear Colleagues

Dear Colleagues

10 September 2014

We invite you to take part in the International scientific-practical conference (the Conference), "Neurology and Neurorehabilitation today: theory, practice and innovation", to be held November 6-7, 2014.

The purpose of the Conference - to improve the system of medical care for patients with neurological diseases. Conference topics include versatile coverage of relevant interdisciplinary problems related to this issue.

Within the framework of the Conference by leading experts, scientists from Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Central Asia.

Planned to hold a master class:

"Neurorehabilitation patients with cerebrovascular disease" - Professor G.E.Ivanova, Chief Rehabilitation Ministry of Health, MD, Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine SEI HPE RNMU them. Pirogov.

The main scientific directions of the Conference:

1 Innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system.

2 Modern aspects of management of neurological patients with concomitant somatic pathology.

3 Topical issues of child neurology.

4 Nervous system disorders in pregnancy

5 Preventive and rehabilitative measures for diseases of the nervous system at different stages of care.

6 Traditional Oriental therapies in the clinic of nervous diseases

7 Surgical methods of prevention and treatment of vascular and degenerative diseases of the nervous system

Conference languages​​: Kazakh, Russian and English.

Forms of participation: publication (thesis), oral presentations, poster presentations.

Conference Venue:

100000, Republic of Kazakhstan,

Karaganda district Oasis 85 Meeting of the restaurant complex «Arista»

To participate in the conference should be sent to the Organizing Committee the following materials:

1 an application for participation in the Conference (form attached);

2 report or article (electronic versions);

3 scanned version of receipts for payment of the registration fee, payment for participation in the master class.

4 For those who want to take part in a master class must complete the electronic form of registration card, the participant with the provision of the receipt of payment, electronic forms of identification and a diploma from the university. Payment for a master class in the amount of 5543 tenge made ​​up to 17 October 2014

5 Those wishing to participate in the gala dinner enter the information in the registration card of the participant. The cost of a gala dinner for participants 10 th. Tenge. Payment and receipt of the invitation card at the time of registration.

Requirements for registration of publications

1 Abstracts of no more than 1500 characters (without spaces) must be printed in 2 copies on one side of a standard sheet of the font Times New Roman, KzTimes NewRoman, size 10, with margins at the top and bottom 2 cm, 4 cm on the left, on the right 1.5 cm, single spaced. The first line indicates UDC articles, on the second - Name authors (no more than five) *. On the third line - the name of the thesis (in capitals), in the fourth - the name of the institution, city **. At the end of the thesis must be given the address and phone numbers of all authors with the name, name, patronymic (in full), e-mail addresses. Accepted for publication by no more than 3 abstracts per author.

2 * Name author (s) indexed with the place of work of each - AV Vitavskaya 1, N. Ponomarev 2, GK Altynbaev 3

3 ** Place of work of the author (s) - Almaty Technological universitet1, National Center for Scientific and Technical information.2, Rudnenskii Industrial institut3.

4 Abstracts must have a visa head of the unit, the institution the right to publication.

5 Abbreviations, names, titles, except for conventional, are not allowed. Units of measurement are given in the SI system. The abbreviation stands after the first appearance in the text and remain unchanged.

6 The materials will be placed in a special issue of the journal "Medicine and Ecology" a blind copy, so theses are accepted only in carefully edited form in compliance with all of the above requirements.

7 Direction of the organizing committee of the conference papers, previously published or submitted to other editors for publication, is not allowed.

8 Organizing Committee and the editorial board reserves the right to select the abstracts and papers to the conference.

9 The cost of publication - free of charge.

10 Abstracts, designed by the authors are not in compliance with these requirements shall be returned without review.

11 The registration fee of 1500 tenge. Travel expenses and accommodation at the expense of the sending party.

12 The cost of the registration fee includes:

 part in the conference,

 receive conference materials (electronic version)

 a certificate of participation.

 set party

Requirements for registration of the poster:

Poster presentations should be printed on a sheet of A1 format, portrait orientation.

Deadline for submission of applications for participation - until 17 October 2014. .

Deadline for submitting materials for publication in the collection until October 17, 2014. .

Deadline for submission of applications to participate in a master class - until 17 October 2014.

Please completed the entry form, the electronic version of the report, abstracts and copy of the receipt of the registration fee, the master class to send to the email address of the organizing committee neqmu@yandex.kz

Contact Information of responsible persons of the conference: the Republic of Kazakhstan, 100008, Karaganda, Karaganda State Medical University, ul. Gogol, 40.

Head of the Department of Neurology of KSMU, MD, Professor Myra Abdrakhmanova Galimzhanovna, tel.87015248896; maira_abd@mail.ru;

Assistant professor of neurology Ruslan A. Belyaev (Executive Secretary of the Conference). Contact. tel .: 8-701-420-49-81, 8-700-393-49-81, e-mail: roon_@mail.ru

Contact information of the executive secretary of the conference materials

Republic of Kazakhstan, 100008, Karaganda, Karaganda State Medical University, ul. Gogol, 40, office. №137, editor of "Health and Environment" Ekaterina Serbia. Contact. tel .: 8-7212-51-38-97 (138) 8-701-366-14-74, 8-700-386-31-65. e-mail: Serbo@qmu.kz

KSMU requisites for payment of the master class:

Bank details for participation fee:

RSE "Karaganda State Medical University"

Address: Karaganda, ul. Gogol, 40

IIC KZ698560000000502860

BIN 990240001118

Tel .: 51-38-97

Bank of FAO "BankCentreCredit"



KBE 16

CNR 861

With the note "for the master class neurology"

"NGO Independent Trade Union

staff and students of KSMU "

Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan

BIN 030240000359


IIC KZ166010191000044760

code 18

CNR 859

With the note "for the org. contributions "

Annex 1

Participation in the conference

Name (in full)

In the state. language ___________________________________________________________

In Russian. language ____________________________________________________________

In English. language ____________________________________________________________

Scientific degree __________________________________________________________

Organization, position ________________________________________________________

Occupation ________________________________________________________________

Telephone ____________________________________ Fax ____________________________


mailing address ________________________________________________________________

  oral report   publication  poster presentation

Title of the report ______________________________________________________

Length of stay at the conference: arrival ___________________________________

   departure day ____________________________________

The form of participation (note the "+"):

Form of Participation

Agreement (to be marked by a "+")


Oral report (15 minutes)



Poster presentation



Participation in the conference



Participate in a master class "Neurorehabilitation patients with cerebrovascular disease"



Part in a gala dinner





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