Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
"KMU" NC JSC in cooperation with the "NEIRON" Association with the support of the Department of Health care of Karaganda region invites you to take part in the International research and practical conference

"KMU" NC JSC in cooperation with the "NEIRON" Association with the support of the Department of Health care of Karaganda region invites you to take part in the International research and practical conference

10 June 2024

 Dear colleagues!

"Karaganda Medical University" NCJSC in cooperation with the "NEIRON" Association (Scientific-Practical Eurasian Integration of Rehabilitologists, Orthopedic Traumatologists and Neurologists) with the support of the Department of Healthcare of Karaganda region invites you to take part in the International research and practical conference: "Rehabilitation at the outpatient level: modern approaches and opportunities”, which will be held in a mixed format on September 6, 2024. Leading domestic and international experts will present the latest methods of diagnosis, therapy, rehabilitation of the nervous system diseases and related pathology at the outpatient level, introduce modern technologies and developments in rehabilitation, and share invaluable research experience.

Working languages of the conference: Russian, Kazakh, and English.

The objective of the conference: exchange of experience, discussion of current trends in rehabilitation at the outpatient level, identify the challenges and their solutions.

The following research areas of the conference:

• Issues of rehabilitation at the outpatient level;

• New opportunities for the medical and nursing diagnostic process: scale diagnostics, support, monitoring of patients at the level of the 3rd stage of rehabilitation in various nosologies;

• Current trends in rehabilitation in various diseases of the nervous system;

• Modern approaches to research, therapy, rehabilitation and prevention of cognitive impairment in modern conditions;

• The state of the problem of rehabilitation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.

Registrationto Conference is until August 29, 2024y.

Registration link: https://cos.qmu.edu.kz/web/index.php?r=conference%2Fcreate

All those who registered and took part in person will be issued participant certificates at the end of the Conference.

Contact coordinates of the Organizing Committee:

Yermek Turgunov, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Clinical Work of "Karaganda Medical University" NCJSC, turgunov@qmu.kz ,

Estemesova Karlygash, Dean of the School of School of Nursing Education of "Karaganda Medical University" NCJSC, estemesova@qmu.kz

Yelena Polyakova, Dean of the School of General Medicine of "Karaganda Medical University" NCJSC, polyakova@qmu.kz,

Tokzhan Kispayeva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., "Karaganda Medical University" NCJSC, President of the "NEIRON" professional association, Ph. + 7-778-459-09-79; e-mail: kispayevatt@mail.ru,

Makpal Seitbayeva, Master of the School of Nursing Education, seitbayeva00@mail.ru , 8-747-668-25-11 (executive secretary for the “School of Young Scientists” contest).

As part of the conference, authors under the age of 35 inclusive will be given the opportunity to participate in the contest of research works “School of Young Scientists”.

Requirements for research works:

Papers are accepted in Kazakh, Russian and English. The text of the article should be printed in Microsoft Word (RTF and DOC files), font Times New Roman, font size 14 pt., black, width alignment, line spacing – double. Margins at the top, bottom – 2 cm, on the right - 1.5 cm, on the left – 3 cm. Pages must be numbered sequentially, starting with the cover page, the page number must be printed in the lower right corner of each page.

There is no spacing between paragraphs. The first line is – indent of 1 cm. The font for figure captions and text of tables should be Times New Roman, font size 14 pt. Designations of units of measurement of various quantities, abbreviations such as “g.” (год) (year) must be preceded by a non-breaking space sign, indicating the prohibiting their gap from the number or word they define in the layout. The same applies to the set of initials and surnames. When quotation marks are used in the text, so-called typographical quotation marks (« ») are used. A dash is indicated by the symbol “–”; hyphen“-”.

Structure of design of the article: 1) UDC (required), 2) claimed type of article (original article, review and etc.), 3) initials and surnames of all authors in a line with an asterisk indexing of the author responsible for correspondence, 4) title of the article, 5) complete title of the institution, address and e-mail with indexing of each author depending on affiliation, 6) first name, surname, patronymic of the author responsible for correspondence, and his/her personal information (position, title, place of work, full address of place of work, e -mail), 7) abstract in the language of the article indicating key words in the language of the article, 8) text of the paper (divided into sections depending on the genre of the scientific article), 9) contribution of the authors, 10) conflict of interests, 11) article bibliographic list, 12) transliteration of the article bibliographic list, 13) abstract in 2 languages ​​indicating key words, i.e. if the language of the article is Russian, then the abstract is in Kazakh and English; if the language of the article is English, then the abstract is in Russian and Kazakh; if the language of the article is Kazakh, then the abstract is in English and Russian. An abstract in 2 languages ​​is presented with the mandatory indication of points 1-6 above.

Sample of work can be found on the link https://disk.yandex.kz/i/Xlzn7OeGrcTVfA  (content of the document is given particularly as an illustrative example).

Requirements for supporting documents are presented on the link:


Acceptance of research papers for the 1st stage of the competition is accepted by e-mail:seitbayeva00@mail.ruuntil June 25, 2024. Works in English are welcome. Authors of works who have passed the 1st stage of the competition will be sent recommendations for passing the second stage of the competition.

The work that took first place will be published free of charge, the remaining applicants, who have undergone peer review of their works and took 2nd and 3rd places, are allowed to be published on a general basis in the quarterly peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal “Medicine and Ecology”, included in the List of publications recommended by the Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (SHEQAC MSHE) for the publication of the key results of scientific activities (Order of the Chairman of SHEQAC MSHE of the RK No.368 dated 03/19/2024). All contest winners will be awarded with diplomas.  



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