Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Pharmacy - movingforward!

Pharmacy - movingforward!

06 March 2023

Student scientific and practical conference

with international participation

Within the framework of the VI Central Asian International Scientific and Practical Conference on Medical Education

"Education of the Future: Wind of Change"



We invite you to take part in the student scientific and practical conference «PHARMACY - MOVING FORWARD!»(with international participation) dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the School of Pharmacy, which will be held on APRIL 13-14, 2023.

The purpose of the conference - is to involve students in research activities, exchange of experience and establish cooperation.

  Conference directions:

Section 1. Traditions and innovations in pharmacy, pharmaceutical education and science;

Section 2. Topical issues of chemical-pharmaceutical, biomedical sciences and pharmacology;

Section 3. Management and marketing in pharmacy;

Section 4. Actual aspects of the quality assurance system in pharmacy;

Section 5. Modern approaches to the development and production of medicines and parapharmaceutical products.

 Students, undergraduates and doctoral (PhD) students (young scientists) of pharmaceutical specialties are invited to participate in the Conference.

Conference working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

Event format: face-to-face and remote (Webex-online)

Location: 100008, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, st. Gogol 40. NCJSC "Karaganda Medical University".

Publication of abstracts/articles is free

All participants of the conference will be sent electronic certificates of participation.

Conditions and procedure for registration of participation

To participate in the conference, it is necessary to prepare materials until March 31, 2023 and send them by e-mail to the address of the organizing committee: pharmacia_qmu@mail.ru

The email must include:

1) Thesis / article in MS Word format, formatted according to the requirements (sample in Appendix 1). A separate electronic document (file) must be compiled for each publication. The file name should consist of the surname and initials of the first author and the name of the city (for example, "Nazarov_S.A. Karaganda");

For foreign authors, the translation of the summary into Kazakh will be carried out by the editors, but for this it is necessary to submit material for translation (title, summary in Russian / English).

2) Registration card of the participant (Annex 2).

As a result of the conference, an electronic collection in PDF format will be published.

Papers submitted for participation in the conference should not be previously published. The organizing committee of the conference reserves the right to technical editing or rejection of material that does not correspond to the theme of the conference or is designed in violation of the requirements.

Materials submitted after the specified deadline or not in accordance with the requirements will not be considered and will not be returned.

The duration of the oral presentation (report) of the breakout sessions should not exceed 10 minutes. The report must be accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation.

Applications for oral presentations are accepted until March 31, 2023.

The organizing committee reserves the right to select reports for the conference and redistribute between sections if the topic or content of the report does not correspond to the declared section.

Letters of invitation to participate in the conference will be sent to the e-mail of the participants.

1. Requirements for thesis /articles (sample in Annex 1).

The text style is "regular" in the MS Word version. Font - Times New Roman, size 12, spacing - single (to the entire document). Alignment in width, margins of 2 cm on each side, a paragraph - an indent of 1 cm. The thesis must indicate: the purpose of the study, material and methods, research results, conclusions.

The bibliographic list is given in alphabetical order at the end of the thesis/article, the link in the text is in square brackets.

All figures and tables must be numbered and provided with titles or captions. Tables are typed in the same format as the main text. It is not allowed to form figures and diagrams using Word tools from individual elements. All figures must be inserted into the text as a ready-made image in the format: jpg, jpeg.

We draw your attention to the need to provide the article in a carefully edited form in compliance with all the above requirements. Conference materials will be typed by direct copying. Responsibility for the content, spelling, punctuation, as well as facts of plagiarism in published articles rests with the authors.

Thesis - up to 2 pages, articles - up to 5 pages.

Travel and accommodation of non-resident participants is carried out at the expense of the sending party or the participants' own funds.

Annex 1

Sample article format


Full Name

(bold italic)


(capital letters, bold)

Department/school, university name, city, country

Supervisor - Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor Full Name

Summary.  text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text (max. 200 characters)

Keywords: no more than 5

Purpose of the study. text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

Material and methods. text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.

Research results. text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

Conclusions. text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.


Annex 2

Registration card of the participant of the scientific-practical conference «Pharmacy - moving forward!»(with international participation)

April 13-14, 2023


Name of educational institution

City, country

Level of education (bachelor's, master's, doctoral/PhD studies) specialty of study, course


Mobile phone

Section name

Form of participation (publication of thesis/articles; publication + oral report)

Title of the report

Form of participation in the conference (face-to-face and remote/online)


General coordination and organizational issues for the conference:

1. Dean of the School of Pharmacy NCJSC "KMU", associate professor, candidate of biological sciences Losseva Irina Viktorovna

Work phone: +7(7212) 503930 (ext. 1245)

Mobile phone (WhatsApp, Telegram): +7 701 6001506

Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 100008, Karaganda, st. Gogol 40, cab. 116

2. Associate Professor of the School of Pharmacy NCJSC "KMU", candidate of pharmaceutical sciences Murzaliyeva Gulnara Tleukhanovna

Work phone: +7(7212) 503930 (ext. 1613)

Tel. mobile (WhatsApp) +7 701 5195454

Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 100008, Karaganda, st. Yerubayev 18, cab. 308.



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