Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


03 February 2023

Non-commercial joint-stock company « Karaganda Medical University»

100000, Karaganda city, Gogol Street, 40

Tel.: 8 (7212) 50-39-30,

Fax: 8 (7212) 51-89-31

Announces the contest for the vacant positions:

Internal Audit Service

Clinical auditor – 1 unit

Date and time of the beginning and the end of the reception of documents – from February 6, 2023 to February 17, 2023, till 18.00 hours.

The applicant shall submit the following documents:

1)  A statement in the prescribed form.

2)  Copy of the document, certifying the identity of the participants of the competition.

3)  Service record of the participant in the prescribed form.

4)  A copy of the document of education with the Appendix, with original submission for verification:

- A copy of certificates of education,  academic degree, taken by citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in foreign educational organizations, copies of certificates of recognition attached or nostrification of these documents issued by the authorized body in the field of education, except for the education documents issued by foreign higher education institutions, scientific centers and laboratories to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan – to owners of the international grant of Bolashak, and subject to an international treaty (agreements) on mutual recognition and equivalency;

- A copy of certificates of education issued to holders of the Bolashak international scholarship is attached with a copy of the certificate of completion of studies on the Bolashak international scholarship of the President of the RK issued by the Center for International Programs Joint Stock Company.

- A copy of certificates of education, subject to an international treaty (agreements) on mutual recognition and equivalency, are attached copies of certificates of recognition of these documents issued by the authorized body in the field of education;

5) Copies of the documents, confirming the employee's work activity, certified by the personnel service at the place of work (acting or final);

6) Certificate of no criminal record;

7) Certificate of absence of corruption offences issued by the authorized body;

8) Two recommendations from individuals, with managerial experience, with whom the candidate worked for at least 2 years;

9) Presentation on the business development strategy.

Persons applying to participate in the competition can provide additional information concerning their education, work experience, professional qualifications and reputation (copies of training documents, ranks, characteristics, recommendations, scientific publications and other information characterizing their professional activities, qualification).

The following persons are not eligible for participation in the Contest:

1)  past corruption offences;

2)  having removed and outstanding previous conviction;

3)  registered in medical institutions.

Qualification requirements for competition participants:

-  for the position of clinical auditor: higher medical education, work experience in state health authorities exercising control in the provision of medical services and /or work experience in a higher medical educational institution and/or clinical experience in republican medical organizations for at least 5 years, knowledge of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the presence of a specialist certificate, the presence of an academic degree, preferably a candidate of medical sciences It is desirable to have a doctorate degree, a second higher legal and/or economic education in a clinical specialty.

Rules for competitive recruitment of vacant posts of Non-commercial joint-stock company « Karaganda Medical University»:




Track records::


If you have any questions, please contact us:

Karaganda City, Gogol Street 40, Department of Human Resources Management

Secretary of the Commission KalashnikovaLiliya

e-mail: Saakyan@qmu.kz

(office 218) tel.: 8 (7212) 50-39-30 ( internal 1672)



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