Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


30 May 2022

June 30, 2022 at 14.00 h. In the "Karaganda Medical University "NC JSC an online - defense of the dissertation will be held for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty "6D110100 - Medicine"Bodaubai Roza on the topic: “Association of PON1, CYP2C19 gene polymorphism with risk of coronary artery restenosis ” will be held.

The thesis has been done at Karaganda Medical University NC JSC.

Defense language: Kazakh


Kerimkulova Ayman Sailaubekovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Family and Evidence-based Medicine of JSC "Astana Medical University", Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Zholdybayeva Elena Vitalievna – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. Head of the National Scientific Laboratory of Biotechnology for Collective Use of the National Center for Biotechnology. . Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan.

 Academic advisers:

Taizhanova Dana Zhumagalievna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Department of Internal Diseases, of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan;

Akilzhanova Ainur Rakhmetulovna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Genomic and Personalized Medicine,  PI "National Laboratory Astana", Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ayvazyan Alexander Artemovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Therapy Clinic of the Muratsan University Hospital Complex Yerevan State Medical University named after “Mkhitara Heratsi". Armenia.

Temporary members of the Dissertation Council:

Dzhunusbekova Gulnara Aldeshovna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Department of Cardiology "National Medical University" NC JSCAlmaty, Republic of Kazakhstan;  (Specialty - 14.00.06 - cardiology).

Kurmanalieva Gulnara Lukpanovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2, NC JSC"West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University", Aktobe, Republic of Kazakhstan. (Specialty -14.00.06 - cardiology).

Ilya Suleymanovich Azizov – MD, Head of the Laboratory Service of the Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Research Institute of the Smolensk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Smolensk, Russia (Specialty - 03.00.07-Microbiology).

Gulshara Zhusupovna Abildinova – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the laboratory of Personalized Genomic diagnostics of the Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of The Republic of Kazakhstan. Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan;(Specialty - 03.00.15-genetics).

Kerimkulova Ayman Sailaubekovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Family and Evidence-based Medicine of "Astana Medical University"NC JSC, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. (Specialty - 14.00.06 - cardiology)

The defense is scheduled for 14.00 on June 30, 2022 at the "Medical University of Karaganda" NC JSC at the address: Karaganda, Gogol str. 40, Rectorate Hall (No. 225)

The defense will be conducted in a hybrid format. To connect online, follow the link:


Meeting number: 2514 041 0782

Password: 6KMcBTpmM66

Academic Secretary: PhD Stabayeva Leila Medeubaevna

Cell phone: 8 701 3277033 e-mail: Stabaeva@qmu.kz




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