Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!

25 November 2021

"Medical University of Karaganda"NСJSC Institute of Public Health and Professional Health invites you to take part in a scientific and practical conference “Preserving the health of the working population. Medical examinations, problems and opportunities ", which will take place offline and online on December 10, 2021.

The purpose of the Conference - discussion of modern views of occupational pathological care in the Republic of Kazakhstan and solving problems, conducting periodic and preliminary medical examinations.

The main directions of the conference:

1. The relevance of improving the occupational pathological service - as preserving the health of the working population.

2. Issues of improving the regulatory framework for labor protection.

3. Professional risk management.

4. Prevention of occupational morbidity.

5. Safety and quality of medical examinations

 Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

 Conference participants will be issued certificates.

To participate in the Conference, you must send the following materials to the organizing committee (ONE package of documents named after the first author) to the email address: alma7722@mail.ru ;  bsmagulova68@mail.ru

1. application for participation in the Conference (the form is attached);

2. thesis (doc *) (electronic versions, conditions are attached);

The report in the state, Russian and English languages (in electronic version) together with the registration form must be received by the organizing committee of the conference by December 1, 2021 at the email address: alma7722@mail.ru ;  bsmagulova68@mail.ru

The deadline for submitting materials for publication is December 1, 2021.

Important!!! The report is considered accepted only if the conference organizers send a confirmation of receipt of information to your email address.

Venue of the conference: Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda,  Mustafin Str. 15, "KMU" NJSC Institute of Public Health and Professional Health


Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Mustafin Str. 15, rooms 113, 230.

"MUK" NJSC Institute of Public Health and Professional Health

Shadetova Almagul Zhenisovna alma7722@mail.ru;

Smagulova Bayan Zhenisovna bsmagulova68@mail.ru

cont. telephone: 8 (7212) 50-39-30 (int.1704, int. 1232)


Annex 1

Application for participation in the conference


state language

  Russsian  language

  English language

Academic degree, title

Organization, position

Phone (whatsapp)


«______» ______________ 20___ж.

  (Date of completion)

Annex 2

Requirements for the design of publications

1. Abstracts of no more than 1500 characters (without spaces) should be printed in 2 copies on one side of a standard sheet, font Times New Roman, KzTimes New Roman, size 14, with margins above and below 2 cm, left 3 cm, right 1.5 cm, with single line spacing. On the first line, the UDC of the article is indicated, on the second - full name. authors (no more than five) *. On the third line - the name of the thesis (in capital letters), on the fourth - the name of the institution, city **. At the end of the thesis, the addresses and telephones of all authors should be indicated, indicating the surname, name, patronymic (in full), e-mail address. No more than 3 abstracts from one author are accepted for publication.

* FULL NAME. the author (s) is indexed with the place of work of each - A.V. Vitavskaya 1, N.I. Ponomareva 2, G.K. Altynbaeva 3

** Place of work of the author (s) - Almaty Technological University1, National Center for Scientific and Technical Information2, Rudny Industrial Institute3.

2. Abstracts must have a visa of the head of the department, institution for the right of publication.

3. Abbreviations of words, names, titles, except for the generally accepted ones, are not allowed. Measurement units are in SI ..

4. Materials will be placed in the appendix to the quarterly scientific and practical journal "Medicine and Ecology" by blind copying, therefore, abstracts are accepted only in a carefully edited form in compliance with all the above requirements.

5. Sending to the organizing committee of the conference works previously published or sent to other editions for publication is not allowed.

6. The organizing committee and editorial board reserve the right to select abstracts for publication.

7. The cost of publishing of 1 thesis is 500 tenge.

Payment details:

Option 1.

Non-commercial joint stock company

"Medical University of Karaganda"

Address: Karaganda, Gogol Str., 40

IIC KZ066010191000140291

BIN: 190140033600

Tel.: 50-39-30

JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan"


KNP 859

KBE 16

Marked "for publication of the thesis in the collection"

Option 2.

Kaspi.kz - Payments - Education - Universities and colleges - Karaganda -

Karaganda Medical University - faculty: write "payment for thesis"

Full name of the participant (full), IIN of the participant, full name of the payer,

amount - 500 tenge (for 1 thesis) - payment.



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