Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Announcement

The Announcement

16 March 2020

The defense of the thesis for the degree of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Yasminur Turdybekova on the specialty 6D110100– "Medicine" on the topic: "Assessment of folliculogenesis and genomic instability in female white rats and their offspring under inhalation exposure to chemical pollutants (experimental study)" is transferred from 10.04.2020for an indefinite period, in connection with the implementation of special preventive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The defense of the thesis for the degree of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) ofLazat Sarsenbayevna Batyrbekovaon the specialty 6D110100– "Medicine" on the topic: The condition of the hepatobiliary system of the inhabitants of the Aral Sea region" is transferred from 19.03.2020for an indefinite period, in connection with the implementation of special preventive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The defense of the thesis for the degree of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) ofVazenmiller Dmitriy Vladimirovichon the specialty 6D110100– "Medicine" on the topic" Characterization of metabolic changes in the blood of pregnant women with anemia pf chronic diseases of various etiology" is transferred from 19.03.2020for an indefinite period, in connection with the implementation of special preventive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The defense of the thesis for the degree of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) ofMugazov Miras Mugazovich on the specialty 6D110100– "Medicine" on the topic “The effect of intra-abdominal hypertension on the course of acute surgical disease of the abdominal organs” (prospective clinical trial)  is transferred from 20.03.2020for an indefinite period, in connection with the implementation of special preventive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The defense of the thesis for the degree of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Ainura Zhumakayeva on the specialty 6D110100– "Medicine" on the topic "The role of oncoprotein H-Ras expression in the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer"   is transferred from 20.03.2020for an indefinite period, in connection with the implementation of special preventive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.



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