Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


28 January 2020

The defense of the thesis of Orazbayev Bekzhan Alipbayevich for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)  on the speciality 6D110100 – «Medicine» speciality  on the topic: «The choice of a method for the treatment of cancer of the thoracic esophagus depending on the prognosis factors» will be held in «Karaganda Medical University» non-commercial joint-stock company (NCJSC) of MH RK.

The dissertation work is made at the «Karaganda Medical University» (NCJSC).

Defense language: Russian.

The reviewers:

Makishev Abai  Kairgozhinovich – doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the oncology department of «Astana Medical University» non-commercial joint-stock company (NCJSC), Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (specialty 14.01.12 - oncology).

Orazbekov Baktybai Seytkhadyrovich - candidate of medical sciences, Deputy Director for Treatment and Prevention of the «Multidisciplinary medical center», Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (specialty 14.01.12 - oncology).

Scientific consultants:

Bukenov Akat Mukhamedievich - doctor of medical sciences, professor, department of oncology and radiotherapy of «Karaganda Medical University» (NCJSC), Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Musulmanbekov Kani Zhumkenovich- doctor of medical sciences, professor, department of oncology and radiotherapy of «Karaganda Medical University» (NCJSC), Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Foreign consultant:

Tomasz Dzierżanowski - PhD, MD, MBA, , Medical University of Lodz, Poland.

The defense of the thesis will  be hele on February 28, 2020 at 10.00 am in «Karaganda Medical University» non-commercial joint-stock company (NCJSC) of MH RK at the following address: 100008, Karaganda, 40 Gogol street, 2nd floor, Conference hall, room № 225.

Video of the defense of Bekzhan Alipbayevich Orazbayev’s dissertation on the topic: “The choice of a method for the treatment of cancer of the thoracic esophagus depending on the prognosis factors” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



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