Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


28 January 2020

The defense of the thesis of Yuriy Mikhailovich Fomenko for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)  on the speciality 6D110100 – «Medicine»  on the topic: «Extracellular nucleic acids and purine catabolites in combination therapy for locally advanced cervical cancer» will be held at the «Karaganda Medical University» non-commercial joint-stock company (NCJSC) of RK MH.

The dissertation work is completed at the «Karaganda Medical University » (NCJSC).

Defense language: Russian.


Baynazarova Alisa Almasbekovna - Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of Oncology Department of Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan (Specialty 14.00.14 – oncology).

Khoykhov Vitaliy Vikhtorovich - Doctor of biological Sciences, Head of the Center for the Development of Education and Science of the "Republican Center for Health Development", Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (specialty 03.00.04 - biochemistry).

Scientific consultants:

Sirota Valentina Bronislavovna - Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of Oncology and Radiology Department of the «Karaganda Medical University » (NCJSC), Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Muravlyova Larissa Yevgenyevna - Doctor of biological Sciences, Professor of Biological Chemistry of the «Karaganda Medical University » (NCJSC), Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Foreign consultant:

Tsialkovskaya-Ryzh Alexandra Dorota – MD, PhD, Professor, Lodz, Poland.

The defense of the thesis will be held on February 28, 2020 at 14.00 am at the «Karaganda Medical University» (NCJSC) of RK MH at the following address: 100008, Karaganda, Gogol street 40, 2nd floor, Conference hall, room № 225 

Video of the thesis for the degree of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) of  Fomenko Yuriy Mikhailovich



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