Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!

04 September 2019

We invite you to take part in the international scientific-practical conference

“Social work and psychology in healthcare:

development, innovation and prospects”,

to be held in October 4-5, 2019.

The purpose of the Conference is to exchange experience, discuss issues of improving the system of social work and psychology in healthcare and the practical implementation of measures to improve them.

The theme of the conference includes comprehensive coverage of current interdisciplinary issues related to this problem.

Conference Highlights:

  1. Health-saving technologies, forms and methods of social work and psychology in the field of healthcare
  2. Intersectoral and interagency cooperation in medical and social work.

The conference will include plenary and breakout sessions, a round table discussion entitled “Management and legal regulation in the activities of social workers and psychologists”, as well as master classes:

·  Case management in social work (Trainers: Roza Abzalovna Abzalova - MD, professor, chairman of the board of the "Primary Health Care" national association; Kumarova Gulnara Khasenovna - master of social work, coordinator for social services of the № 13 City Polyclinic of Nur-Sultan).

·  Psychology in healthcare (Trainer: Abdrashitova Tatyana Anatolyevna - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences, Eurasian Humanitarian Institute, Nur-Sultan)

Conference working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

Forms of participation: oral presentations, publication (thesis), poster session.

Based on the materials of the conference, a collection of abstracts will be released.

Conference address: Karaganda, 40 Gogol street 40. "Medical University of Karaganda" non-commercial joint-stock company

Organizing Committee: Republic of Kazakhstan, 100008, Karaganda, Karaganda Medical University, 40 Gogol street.

Chairman - Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Science of “Medical University of Karaganda” NCJSC Turmukhambetova Anar Akylbekovna, tel.: 8 (7212) 50-39-30 (1219), turmuhambetova@qmu.kz

Deputy Chairman - Dean of the research school of "Medical University of Karaganda" NCJSC Edilbayeva Tanzira Toktarkhanovna, tel.: 8 (7212) 50-39-30 (1494), Edilbaeva@qmu.kz

The executive secretary of the conference proceedings – the editor of the Research School Serbo Yekaterina Sergeyevna, tel: 8 (7212) 50-39-30 (1286), 8-701-366-14-74, serbo@qmu.kz

To participate in the Conference, it is necessary to send the following materials to the organizing committee:

1. application for participation in the Conference (form attached);

2. report, thesis (electronic versions)

3. a copy of the receipt of payment of the publication / registration fee

The deadline for submitting applications for participation is September 16, 2019.

The deadline for submitting abstracts for publication in the collection is until September 23, 2019.

Theses Requirements

1.  Theses of at least 1,500 characters must be printed on one side of the standard sheet, Times New Roman, Kz Times New Roman, size 10, with margins above and below 2 cm, on the left 4 cm, on the right 1.5 cm, single spaced between the lines. The first line indicates the full name of authors (no more than five) *. On the second line is the name of the thesis (in capital letters), on the third line is the name of the institution, city **. At the end of the thesis, the addresses and phone numbers of all authors should be indicated with the surname, first name, patronymic (fully), email address. No more than 2 theses from one author are accepted for publication.

*name of the author (s) is indexed with the place of work of each author- A.V. Vitavskaya 1, N.I. Ponomareva 2, G.K. Altynbaeva 3

**Place of work of the author (s) - Almaty Technological University1, National Center for Scientific and Technical Information2, Rudnensky Industrial Institute 3.

2.  Abbreviations of words, names, titles, with the exception of generally accepted, are not allowed. Units of measurement aregiven by SI system. Abbreviations are deciphered after the first appearance in the text and remain unchanged.

  1. Materials will be placed in the collection using blind copying, therefore abstracts are accepted only in carefully edited form in compliance with all the above requirements.
  2. Sending to the organizing committee of the conference of works previously published or sent to other editorial offices for publication is not allowed.
  3. The cost of publishing of 1 thesis is 500 tenge.
  4. The registration fee in the amount of 5,000 tenge can be transferred until September 31, 2019 to the account of the “MUK Alumni Association” Public Association.

  7. The cost of the registration fee includes:

-   participation in the conference,

-   conference materials (print edition),

-   participant kit

-   certificates of participation.

The organizing committee and the editorial commission reserves the right to select articles and reports for the conference.

Bank details of "Medical University of Karaganda" NCJSC

to pay for the publication of theses:

Details of the “MUK Alumni Association” public association

for payment of organizational fees:

«Medical University of Karaganda» NCJSC

Address: Karaganda, 40 Gogol street

ИИК  KZ788562203105907245 (KZT)

BIN  190140033600

Tel:  50-39-30

Bank  «БанкЦентрКредит» FJSC

Karaganda city


BIN 980841000185

Кбе  16

КНП 859

With notice “for the publication of the thesis in the collection”

 «MUK Alumni Association» public association

BIN 150540006869

ОКЭД 94990

ОКПО 52969822

ИИК KZ68914052203KZ000WV

В ДБ «Сбербанк» JSC


Кбе 18

With notice «for arrangement fee»

üTravel expenses and accommodation are at the expense of the sending party.

Appendix 1

Application for participation in the conference

Full name

In state language______________________________________________________________________

In russian _____________________________________________________________________

In english______________________________________________________________________

Academic degree, title__________________________________________________________

Organization, position________________________________________________________


Telephone ______________________________________fax____________________________


postal address________________________________________________________________

  oral presentation   publication   poster

Title of the report______________________________________________________

Duration of stay at the conference:  arrival day ___________________________________

  departure day____________________________________



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