Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear staff and students of KMU!

Dear staff and students of KMU!

28 March 2019

The International Cooperation Department informs that on April 2, 2019 at 16:00 in room No.329 a meeting with Yekaterina Firsova, Director of the French Alliance in Karaganda will be held. The main topic of the meeting is the presentation of “Abai-Vern” scholarship program.

This program involves training in one of the universities of France in the framework of the bilateral agreement concluded between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic.

The International Cooperation Department informs about the opening of the competition for the training at one of the universities of France under the “Abai-Vern” program within the framework of the bilateral agreement concluded between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic.

Period of study:

-Master’s students: 10 months (September-June);

- PhD’s students: 6 months per year (from September to February) during 3 years.

The final decision is taken by the French party.

The applicant must submit the following documents:

• a statement of justification for study abroad in an arbitrary form (depending on the chosen training program in French or English, the second in Kazakh or Russian);

• completed questionnaire of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, traveling abroad for studies;

• two summaries (one in French or English, depending on the chosen training program, the second in Kazakh or Russian);

• motivation letter: in French or English, depending on the chosen training program, as well as in Russian or Kazakh languages (1 page);

• a copy of the passport (the corresponding pages, with the passport number, name, photo, and expiration date should be clearly visible);

• a letter from the university and / or the scientific center about the preliminary enrollment;

• notarized copies of diplomas and appendices with grades, starting with bachelor's degree (in the case of a scholarship, a transcript and a certificate of the status of the student are provided);

• GPA is not less than 3.0 (out of 4.0 or 4.33);

• for candidates who chose the French language training program: a certificate confirming the level of the French language is not lower than B1 (DELF, DALF, TCF);

• for candidates who chose the English language training program: a certificate confirming the level of English at least B2 (TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS);

• for doctoral students: a scientific project for 2 pages (maximum) with the opinion of the supervisor;

• bank details of the applicant;

• medical certificate in the form of 082 for traveling abroad.

Applicants for the PhD program must attach the following documents in addition to the above:

• detailed research plan (at least 2 pages);

• list of scientific publications or educational / methodological / scientific developments, if any

• two letters of recommendation from the two supervisors of the thesis in English or French.

The Kazakhstan side finances living expenses, which are for masters - 800 euros per month for 10 months (from September to June) and for doctoral students - 1200 euros per month for 6 months a year (from September to February) for 3 years.

The French party offers the following advantages:

• free tuition for master’s degree students undergraduates within 10 months (from September to June) and for doctoral students for 6 months a year (from September to February) for 3 years;

• the status of a grantee of the French Government, which exempts from paying a registration fee in public higher educational institutions;

• attachment to the general system of French social insurance;

• a free long-term student visa;

• priority in the allocation of places in student hostels;

• possibility to receive assistance for housing payment, as well as to use the "clé" system (when the French State acts as guarantor in the rental of housing);

• preferential tariffs for participation in cultural programs and events. With respect to these educational grants, the same rules apply as for all other grants of the French Government. Transportation costs are paid by the students themselves.

More information about the application procedure will be provided during the meeting by the Director of the French Alliance. 



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