Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


20 November 2018

The defense of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Аhmadyarova Botakoz Sergazievna on the specialty 6D110100 - «Medicine» on the topic: "The relationship of psycho-emotional stress with the development of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy and age-related macular degeneration" will be held in RSE on REM "Karaganda State Medical University" of MH RK.
The dissertation work is made at the Karaganda State Medical University.
Defense language: Russian.

The list of documents for the dissertation council of KSMU

Video of thesis defence


Dzhumataeva Zaure Asylkhanovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the ophtalmological Functional diagnostics Department of JSC «"Kazakh Order" Badge of Honor Research Institute of Eye Diseases», Almaty с., Kazakhstan (Specialty 14.00.08 - eye diseases).

Raspopova Natalia Ivanovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, associate professor of the department of psychiatry, psychoterapy and narcology of JSC Kazakh medical university of continuing education, Almaty с., Kazakhstan (Specialty 14.01.06 - psychiatry).

Scientific adviser:  

Shusterov Yuri Arkadevich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology, Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda с., Kazakhstan;

Scientific consultant:

Lyubchenko Marina Yuryevna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Departments of Neurology, Psychiatry and Rehabilitology, Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda с., Kazakhstan;

Foreign consultants:

Brzesky Vladimir Vsevolodovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology of the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Educationof the Ministry of Health of Russia, St. Petersburg с., Russian Federation;

Robman Lubov - MD, PhD, scientific researcher at the Ophthalmology Research Center of University of Melbourne, Melbourne c., Australia.

The defense of the thesis will convene on December 20, 2018 at 10.00 am in RSE on REM “Karaganda State Medical University” of MH RK at the following address: 100008 Karaganda, 40 Gogol street, 2nd floor, Conference hall, room No 225



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