Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


16 October 2018

The Dissertation Council is announces that the defense of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Dildabekova Ainur Smadiarovna on the specialty 6D110100 - «Medicine» on the topic: "Assessment of the risk of developing kidney injury in children of early age with acute intestinal infection" is transferred from 16.11.2018 to 30.11.2018 due to the absents of quorum.

The dissertation work is made at the Karaganda State Medical University.

Defense language: Kazakh.


Myrzabekova Gulshara Turebekovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department Paediatrics Department with Children Oncology and Haematology Course KazMCEU (Specialty 14.00.09 – paediatric);

Tanirbergenova Ainur Zhylkaidarovna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant professor Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases of KazNMU named after SD Asfendiyarov (Specialty 14.00.09 – paediatric);

Scientific consultant:

Abeuova Bibigul Amangeldievna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Department of Pediatric Diseases #1, Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Begaydarova Rosalia Khasanovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Foreign consultant:

Basishvili Natella Zakharyevna - Professor, David Twildiani Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Email address of the Dissertation Council with the announcement: www.qmu.edu.kz



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