Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


05 April 2018

TOTAL DICTATION - a worldwide educational action in the form of a voluntary dictation to everyone interested will be held on April 14 at 14h.

In Karaganda dictation can be written on 11 sites of the city. KSMU will accept all wishing to write dictation in 5 classrooms. First time in Karaganda, the TruD test FOR FOREIGNERS studying Russian as a foreign language will be conducted on the basis of KSMU.

We invite STUDENTS, TEACHERS, EMPLOYEES of our university and the residents of the city to come and write the TOTAL dictation or TruD test!

REGISTRATION of participants starts after April 4 on the site totaldict.ru

All the information is in the same place and in Instagram "Total dictation of Karaganda" @totaldictkrg


Total dictation is an annual educational action aimed at popularizing literacy and increasing interest in the Russian language. The essence of the action is a voluntary free dictation to everyone interested, which takes place in one day around the world (adjusted for time zones). Everyone can come and write a dictation to check their literacy rate. The purpose of the action is to enable each one to test their knowledge of the Russian language and to awaken interest in raising the level of literacy. The idea of a voluntary dictation for all comers was born in Novosibirsk in the student club of the humanitarian faculty of the NSU "Gloom Club" in the early 2000s. The organizer of the action is the fund for the support of the language culture of citizens "Total dictation".

What is TruD?

• an integral part of the project "Total dictation", therefore the procedure for carrying out the action is as close as possible to the dictation algorithm, with observance of the principles of the unity of time, place and procedure;

• test for knowledge of Russian language on the basis of the main text of the Total dictation for students studying Russian as a foreign language;

• the name is derived from the abbreviation Totalny Diktant (TD) and the ru element, which is associated with the Russian language;

• a project for everyone who wants to participate in the action, but is not sure that it will cope with the original dictation text.



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