Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
International Research Federation Center of Scientific Conferences

International Research Federation Center of Scientific Conferences

10 March 2017

Dear colleagues,Center of Scientific Conferences of International Research Federation “Social science” invites you to participate in one of the international correspondence scientific conferences.

All the materials are to be transferred to the scientometric databases of RSCI and SPINDEX, and the base of free materials SP Direct. All the materials are to be assigned the indexes DOI and IDSP as well.

The collection is to be registered in the international scientific electronic SP Library with allocation of SPLN number.

The materials authored by students (at least one student) are granted a discount on publication in the amount of 10% of the total bill.

The materials authored by the members of International Research Federation “Social science” are granted a discount of 20% on all items excluding delivery.

Information regarding the execution of materials is posted on: http://conf.sciencepublic.ru/?page_id=40



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