Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Information relating KSMU dormitory accommodation

Information relating KSMU dormitory accommodation

17 August 2016

“Lists of students and numbers of dormitories with 50% payment for accommodation in 2016-2017 academic year”.

Processing of documents and dormitory accommodation will be carrying out from the 25th of August till 31th of August of 2016 year.

Actual dormitory accommodation will take place from the 01.09.2016 year.

For this, after enrollment to the student body (in admission committee) the following documents should be delivered:

·  To the KSMU records administration department (from 25th of August till 31st of August of 2016 year): to deliver application related to the dormitory room assignment; certificate of family composition, if family is available; parent(s) death certificate, for orphans, (in case of loss of a parent or parents); certificate about existence of 4 and more children (for large families); copy of identity card.

·  To the dormitory:

o  Assignment for dormitory room providing -1 pce.

o  Residential lease agreement- 2 pcs.

o  Receipt of dormitory accommodation payment-1 pce.

o  Identity card (copy)-1 pce.

o  Photo of entrant 3х4 (color)- 2 pcs.

o  Original medical certificate on pediculosis (issued by the KSMU polyclinic, located at the S. Seifullin Str., 17) -1 pce.

o  Folder -1 pce.


Students arriving to the dormitory can make registration at the place of temporary residence for the period up to one year, without making of deregistration from the previous place of residence!

List of the documents for registration

1.  Residential lease agreement (original);

2.  Identity card (original and copy);

3.  Receipt for public due payment for registration (residence registration) in the size established by the RK Government (0,1 MIF) to the tax committee account of Kazybek bi region, Karaganda city (original);

4.  EDS (if available);

5.  Address reference provided at the time of registration;

6.  Consent to registration (letterhead), statistic ticket to the paper of arrival (letterhead), is to be filled in by an entrant at the moment of the order receiving in the presence of passport officer.

7.  Students under 18 years of age must provide authorization from a parent (or legal guardian, or legal representative) for registration by the place of accommodation in one of the dormitories of KSMU.

Notice: Registration of entrants and students is carried out at the presence of legal representatives (one parent, legal guardian). Legal guardians, besides identity documents, have to provide the documents certifying legal guardians rights (original and copy).

For persons who have not reached the age of 16 years, identity documents are: birth certificate with IIN awarding, passport of RK citizen, or other identity documents.

For persons who have reached the age of 16 years, identity documents are: identity card of the citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

If the IIN is not mentioned at the identity document it should be provide independently.

For foreign persons and for stateless persons permanently residing at the RK territory, identity documents are: resident permit of foreign persons in the Republic of Kazakhstan, stateless person certificate.



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