Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


29 February 2016

The seminar "Evaluation of the practical / clinical skills in internship " ( 8 hours ) will be held on March 3, 2016 in KSMU.

The workshop leader:  Muldaeva Gulmira Mendigireevna, head of GDP № 1 KSMU

The contingent of students: professors of the medical school

Classes will be held from 13 a.m. to 18:50 p.m. at the following address: str . Ippodromnaya 8

Polyclinic № 1, an assembly hall .

Certificates of  KSMU standard form will be issued upon completion of the master -class.

The cost of the training workshop : KZT 3320 per participant .

Paperwork is  to be made only by the dean of faculty of continuous professional development of KSMU

Information on the set of documents is to be sent to the address : http://www.qmu.edu.kz/ru/contents/view/274

Location of deanery DCPD :


Str . Gogol , 40 , office № 103 , 107

Karaganda State Medical University

Phone : 8 (7212) 51-38-97 ad:(248 , 220) ,

8 ( 7212 ) 04/30/99 ,

8 (7212) 51-49-48 ad: (148 )



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