Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»

Complaint management rules.

Complaint management rules.

The procedure for consideration of appeals and their appeal.

1. Definition: appeal - directed to the subject, considering the appeal, or an official, an individual or collective written, oral or in the form of an electronic document certified by an electronic digital signature, proposal, statement, complaint, request or response. A complaint is an appeal submitted to a medical organization, SPPVK, with the requirement of one or more citizens to restore or protect their violated rights or legitimate interests of healthcare, other persons. in the field of either rights or legitimate interests

2. Abbreviations:

1) NJSC "MUK" - non-profit joint stock company "Medical University of Karaganda";

 2) “OSR iUK - department of strategic development and quality management;

3) SPPVK- Patient support and internal control. 3. Order of work. The applicant writes an appeal addressed to the head of the Patient Support and Internal Control Service (hereinafter referred to as SPPVC) and submits a complaint directly to office No. 131 of the SPPVC, or puts it in the complaints box. It is possible to submit an oral appeal directly to the head of the SPPVK or an employee of the SPPVK in office. 131. You can write a complaint in the Book of Complaints and Suggestions, which is located in the registry. ,

4. In the appeal of an individual, his surname, first name, and, if desired, patronymic, postal address, of a legal entity, his name, postal address, outgoing number and date are indicated. The appeal must be signed by the applicant or certified by an electronic digital signature. When filing a complaint, the name of the subject or position, the names and initials of the officials whose actions are being appealed, the motives for the appeal and the requirements are indicated.

 5. Received complaint B logged registration of citizens' appeals.

6. An applicant who directly applied in writing to the head of the SPPVK is issued a coupon indicating the date and time, the last name and initials of the person who accepted the appeal (the coupon is issued in the office of the SPPVK).  1) This appeal is considered by the SPPVK commission within twenty working days from the date of receipt of the complaint (Article 99. Time limit for considering a complaint, Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2020 No. 350-VI).

7. If the consideration of the appeal requires obtaining information from other subjects, officials or checking on site, a decision is considered and made. within thirty calendara decision is made within thirty calendar days from the date of receipt by the subject, official.

 8. If the resolution of the issues set out in the appeal requires a long period, then the appeal is put under additional control until its final execution, which is reported to the applicant within five working days.

. The laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan may establish other deadlines for consideration of applications.

 10. The response to the appeal Must be substantiated and motivated in terms of content in the state language or the language of the appeal with reference to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, containing, refuting or confirming the applicant's arguments, with an explanation of their right to appeal the decision.

 11. After completion of work on a specific complaint, the staff concerned, jointly with the CO of the SPPAC, decides on the development of corrective preventive actions for receipt of repeated complaints. On and prevention

12. The chief physician or his deputy checks the implementation of corrective preventive actions to prevent the receipt of repeated requests. Based on the results of the check, he makes a note on the implementation (non-performance) of the above actions in report.

13. The Head of the Service draws up a report once a quarter on complaints, which states:

 1) number of complaints by clinics;

2) validity of complaints; complaint structure.

21. The report on complaints of applicants is used in the analysis of the CO quality system by management and in the development of an action plan to improve the quality of care and patient satisfaction.

22. Appeal of decisions taken as a result of consideration of appeals: a complaint against the actions (inaction) of officials, as well as against the decisions of the subject, is submitted to a higher official or subject in the order of subordination no later than three months from the moment when the individual or legal entity became aware of the commission action or decision-making by the relevant subject or official.

23. The deadline for appealing is not a reason for the subject or official to refuse to consider the complaint. The reasons for missing the deadline are clarified when considering the complaint on the merits and may be one of the grounds for refusing to satisfy the complaint.

24. In the absence of a superior official or subject or disagreement of the applicant C decision, the application is submitted directly to the court.

25. Working hours of the Patient Support and Internal Control Service of the Department of Strategic Development and

25. The work schedule of the Patient Support and Internal Control Service of the Strategic Development and Quality Management Department: from 09.00 to 17.00 (SPPVK room No. 131), daily on weekdays.

 26. Appeals of citizens on issues of quality of provision medical care in the Clinics of NJSC "MUK":

 1) Karaganda, st. Mustafina 15, room. 131 tel. 87212 562111, 500641 website http://www.qmu.kz manager SPPVK 87013942349

2) Karaganda Ardak building 3, office No. 124, tel.: 8 (7212) 50-06-61, internal 1817

3) Karaganda, Alalykin 14, office 101, tel.: 8(7212) 50 39-30, internal 1558 4) Health Department of the Karaganda region at the address: Karaganda, st. Alikhanova, 2, Gall-center phone: (8 7212) 955559 5) Department of the Committee of Medical and Pharmacological control of the MZRK in the Karaganda region: Karaganda, st. Tereshkova 28/1, phone: (8 7212) 255931 k.dzpp@economy.gov.kz

27. Responsibility for carrying out the procedure lies with SPPVC.

 28. Anonymous and complaints are not considered.

Аppeals Links:

1) Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the health of the people and the healthcare system" dated July 07, 2020 No. 360-VI Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2)) Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June

29, 2020 No. 350-VI 3) Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 3, 2020 No. ҚР ДСМ-230/2020 About approval of the rules for organizing and conducting internal and external examinations of the quality of medical services (assistance)