Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


27 May 2019

The defense of the thesis of Ozhmukhametova Elvira Kelgembaevna for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)  on the speciality 6D110100 – «Medicine» speciality  on the topic: «Development of new mucoadhesive dosage forms for treatment of eye pathologies» will be held in «Karaganda Medical University» non-commercial joint-stock company (NCJSC) of MH RK.

The dissertation work is made at the «Semey Medical University» (NCJSC).

Defense language: Russian.

The list of documents for dissertation council of KMU (Karaganda Medical University)

Video of the thesis for the degree of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) of  Ozhmukhametova Elvira Kelgembaevna


UtelbayevaZaureshTursunkyzy – Doctor of medical Sciences, the Professor of Ophthalmology department of Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan (Specialty 14.00.08 – eye diseases).

Dzhumatayeva Zaure Assylkhanovna – Doctor of medical Sciences, associate-professor, Head of clinical department of Kazakh Research Institute of eye diseases, Almaty, Kazakhstan (Specialty 14.00.08 – eye diseases).

Scientific consultants:

Mussin Marat Nukenovich – Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor Semey, Kazakhstan;

Mukhambetov Damir Dauletkalievich –Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of general and clinical pharmacology department, «Astana Medical University» non-commercial joint-stock company (NCJSC), Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan;

Foreign consultant:

Khutoryanskiy Vitaliy Viktorovich – Dr. PhD, Full-professor of Pharmacy school of Reding university, United Kingdom.

The defense of the thesis will  be hele on June 28, 2019 at 10.00 am in «Karaganda Medical University» non-commercial joint-stock company (NCJSC) of MH RK at the following adres: 100008, Karaganda, 40 Gogol street, 2nd floor, Conference hall, room № 225 address



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