Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Regulation of СYS

Regulation of СYS

1. General Provisions

1.1 The Council of Young Scientists of the Karaganda State Medical University (hereinafter - the Council) operates in accordance with the Regulations of the scientific community of young scientists and students of Kazan State Medical University .

1.2 Young scientists recognized scientists , graduate and doctoral students , teachers, faculty engaged in research activities, are under 35 years of age.

1.3 Responsibility for the creation of councils of young scientists in research organizations and higher education institutions and their coordination rests with their management to deputies for science.

2 . Objective: To promote the professional growth , maximize the use of scientific potential of young scientists, to represent them in a professional and social spheres , the activation and improvement of scientific research on the basis of attracting and retaining talented young people.

3 . Оbjectives:

3.1 Organization of information security for proposals , funds, grants, conferences ;

3.2 Organization of competitions, scientific conferences, journal club ;

3.3 The Association of Young Scientists of the University and enhance them to meet their goals , acquire new knowledge and integration of their joint research activities, the promotion of young scientists at the University of fundamental and applied research.

3.4 Creating a database of information of young scientists of the University who went abroad . The Council shall establish contact with them in order to conduct joint work to create conditions of mutual cooperation.

3.5 Assistance in financial support for the participation of young scientists in conferences, seminars , symposiums, internships, including international ;

3.6 The formation and expansion of a network of contacts with the Soviets young scientists from other research organizations , higher educational institutions of the city , the Republic and abroad;

3.7 Implementation of measures to attract pupils and university students in academic science , contribution to the popularization of science ;

3.8 Monitoring and analysis of the activities of young scientists in KSMU

4 . The structure of the Council of Young Scientists

4.1.Chair, Vice Chairman, Executive Secretary and participants provides next functions:

- Information Support website KSMU reflect the research activities of young scientists, collection and preparation of materials for the edition of the program

- Providing information about conferences, competitions, exhibitions

- Collection and processing of information on participation in conferences, competitions and publications of young scientists (statistics)

- Collection and preparation of materials for the various competitions inside and outside of the institution ( MH, MES , etc.) , and participation in , the provision of assistance in matters of paperwork to participate in tenders for the execution of R & D

- Cooperation between universities

5 . functions

5.1 Provide the necessary assistance to young scientists in research contributes to the organization of their learning modern technologies , methods and techniques.

5.2 The organization of conferences, seminars and meetings of young scientists, promoting the participation of young scientists in national and international conferences , seminars, symposia , as well as internships.

5.3 Proposal for the inclusion of representatives of the Council of the tender commission for awarding prizes , scholarships for young researchers , as well as on the formation programs of basic and applied research and grants of Science.

5.4 Provision of social protection of young scientists , to promote scientific and cultural development of young scientists through various seminars and training sessions.

5.5 The General Meeting of Young Scientists held not less than once every six months , which discusses plans , the performance and other issues. An extraordinary general meeting of young scientists KSPH held at the request of at least 50 % of their payroll .

5.6 The general meeting of the council of young scientists in the protocol signed by the Chief and the Executive Secretary .

6. rights

6.1. Meetings of the Council of young scientists are eligible if they present more than 50% of the payroll of the Council. In the payroll on the date of the meeting does not include persons who are on business trips, administrative leave and sick leave ;

6.2 If a member of the Board for any reason can’t attend a meeting of the Council , but in due time by the Board in writing or in electronic form will bring to the attention of the members of the Council their views and unequivocal position on the agenda of the day , or will be involved through the Internet connection online , then this is considered to be a member of the Board present at the meeting and voted accordingly.

6.3 Decisions of the Council shall be deemed adopted if they are voted for the majority ( more than 50 % of payroll ) of the members of the Academic Council.

6.4 The Council has the right to:

a) Prepare proposals on all matters relating to the work of the Council , to improve the material and technical provision of scientific activity of young scientists;

b) participate in the preparation, examination of documents and regulations related to the problems of young scientists ;

c) make proposals for the support and encouragement of individual young scientists for their achievements ;

g ) to submit nominations of young scholars to participate in conferences , seminars, symposia , etc.

e) organize sports and recreational , cultural and recreational activities with the participation of young scientists.

7. responsibility

7.1 In the absence of the Head of the Council (business trip , illness or other valid reasons ), his duties at this time are assigned to the Deputy .

7.2 The Chairman shall organize the work of the Academic Council and ensure its activities on the basis of the approved work plan for the school year , in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and these Regulations. According to the results of a year council of young scientists is preparing a report and report it to the general meeting of the Council.

7.3 Responsibility for the coordination of research activities among the faculty ( young scientists ) is the department of scientific work

7.4 Head of the Board shall be personally liable for the activities of the Council before the vice-rector for scientific work.